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A Learning Community that Empowers Students to Achieve their Academic and Life Potential.

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:


A warm welcome to a new school year; we are grateful that you chose Raffles American School and trust us to care for your children.  RAS is well-equipped to challenge students to grow academically, socially-emotionally and physically.  Our facilities offer a comfortable classroom environment, high-quality courts, fields, gymnasiums, and pools for sports and extracurricular activities, and many dedicated rooms for technology, band, dance, drama, and visual arts.


Our teachers are highly qualified in their subject areas and offer knowledge from their home countries and internationally.  RAS provides a rigorous curriculum that is supported by general learning outcomes (GLOs) of problem-solving/thinking skills, character/interpersonal skills, organizational/research skills, and communication skills.  Throughout the school year, students have opportunities to try new activities and learn in settings inside and outside the classroom walls.  We encourage students to participate in a wide variety of extracurricular activities offered by our enthusiastic and talented teachers.


We encourage parents and guardians to be involved in your child’s education.  RAS uses a number of communication pathways that include PowerSchool, Parent Portal, Social Media, and Email.  We welcome parents and guardians to connect with individual teachers early in the school year; our dedicated and caring staff are ready to answer any questions or concerns about your child.


The Student and Parent Handbook serves as a guide regarding the school’s operations and expectations for students.  Information about attendance, academic integrity, behavior, dress code, health, and safety are a few examples in this handbook.  Kindly review this handbook with your child, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send an email to: or call the school at +60 (7) 509 8750.

On behalf of the team at RAS, we wish you a successful, safe, and fun school year!

Sincere regards,

Mr. Sok Wee Kho

High School Principal


Mr. David Hornby

Middle School Principal


Raffles American School is a learning community that empowers students to achieve their academic and life potential. Our rigorous and rich academic and co-curricular programs encourage student growth through a learning outcomes approach, acknowledging multiple types of intelligence and paths to learning. We facilitate student success through a balanced focus on intellectual, emotional, physical, and social progress and a profound belief that all students can learn.


Raffles American School is a subsidiary of Raffles Education Corporation. The Superintendent of Raffles American School is responsible for day-to-day operations, personnel decisions, financial management within the budget, and most importantly, ensuring the overall quality of educational offerings for Raffles American School.  The RAS Superintendent reports directly to the Board Representative from Raffles Education Corporation.

It is our expectation that all students, in all classes, at all grade levels will actively demonstrate the  RAS Learning Outcomes of:

Critical Thinking Skills:

Think analytically, strategically, critically, creatively, independently, and collaboratively. 

Question themselves, others, and ideas, objectively and reflectively.

Problem-solve through acquisition, integration, and successful application of content/learning.

Apply knowledge to real-life situations.

Take responsible risks and approach problems with creativity and perseverance.


Organization Skills:

Efficiently allocate their time and energy towards prioritized tasks.

Use appropriate technologies, resources, and strategies to gain access to relevant information.

Logically organize information using appropriate strategies and tools.

Create finished products showing a high degree of content understanding, neatness, quality, and precision.


Communication Skills:

Communicate effectively as listeners, speakers, readers, and writers through auditory, visual, physical, or digital means to a range of audiences for a range for purposes.

Display appropriate presentation skills.

Demonstrate collaborative communication skills.



Demonstrate compassion, honesty, and integrity in dealing with others.

Show tolerance, understanding, empathy, and respect for other people and cultures within the school and the larger community.

Make appropriate choices to maintain physical and emotional health.

Show responsibility, adaptability, perseverance, and initiative.

Work effectively in group situations.

Morning Drop-Off Routine:

Students will arrive through the main gate between 7:30 and 7:45. Please continue straight to the main drop-off area at the front of the school or immediately to the left after entering the security gate, or use the parents’ car park above the swimming pool area. Secondary parents may continue to follow the road to the left, between the school buildings and the pool area, and drop off between the elementary and secondary buildings. This is a one-way system. Please follow the directions to the exits as shown in the following diagram.

Afternoon Pick-Up Routine:

Secondary students with after-school activities may go to the cafeteria for a snack before activities start. Students without an after-school activity are expected to be picked up by 3:15 pm. 

Students found lingering on campus will be sent to the student pick-up area to wait for their ride. There is limited supervision after this time, and the school cannot be held responsible for students who are picked up late.

Students and Parents on Campus During Weekends/Holidays:

Students and parents are only allowed on campus during weekends and holidays for previously scheduled and approved school activities. All school rules apply, and students may not wander to unsupervised areas of the campus. The RAS faculty member who is responsible for the activity or event must be present at all times and will stay until all parents and students have left.

In order to foster a professional, positive atmosphere on our school campus, it is important for all members of the school community to observe the proper channels of communication. Questions and concerns should first be discussed directly and respectfully with the individual(s) involved. In any discussion, all participants are expected to maintain a calm demeanor and tone.

Parent-Teacher Communication: If a parent has a question or concern regarding his/her child, the parent should speak directly to the teacher. If the situation cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the parent can bring the concern to the attention of the respective Principal.

Parent-Administration Communication: If a parent has a question or concern regarding the educational program or general administration of the school, he/she should speak with the respective Principal. If questions or concerns relate directly to a specific part of the academic program, the Principal may redirect parents to specific teachers. Only if the issue cannot be resolved at the Principal level should it be elevated to the Superintendent.

Students are expected to be at school every day.  RAS understands that students will occasionally be ill or that there may be circumstances beyond a student or family’s control that necessitate an absence. Parents are requested to contact the school when a student is going to be absent. Absences may be considered excused or unexcused. A student shall be excused from school when the absence is due to:


  • Illness or quarantine
  • Medical or dental services
  • Attending the funeral of an immediate family member
  • A mandated court appearance by the student or parent/guardian
  • Observance of a religious holiday or ceremony
  • Other justifiable personal reasons that have been requested in writing in advance by the parent and approved at the discretion of the Principal


 Students who are absent from school due to the above-excused reasons will be given an opportunity to complete all assignments and examinations missed during the absence for full credit, provided that all assignments are completed within the same number of days that the student was absent (up to a maximum of six days). It is the student’s responsibility to coordinate with his/her teachers regarding make-up assignments and examinations. All assignments due during the period of absence must be turned in immediately upon return to school. However, because of the interactive nature of learning at RAS, activities such as discussions, group work, labs, or presentations may be difficult or impossible to replicate and may affect the student’s grade. In order for students to be eligible to compete in interschool sports competitions, they must be in attendance for a minimum of half the scheduled classes during the day of the competition.


For absences of three or more consecutive days, appropriate verification and documentation must be provided to the school for an absence to be considered excused. An absence request form should be submitted to the divisional office in these cases. This form should be submitted in advance whenever possible or immediately upon return. Unexcused absences may not be made up. RAS requires that students be present for 90% of an academic year in order to receive credit for a course or grade level. This translates to 18 absences for the entire school year. This is especially important to note for high school students, as they need to earn credit for their courses in order to graduate. The Principal (or designate) will contact parents and conference with a student when absences jeopardize the ability of the school to grant credit. 

Teachers who sponsor school activities off-campus must make sure that each participating student has a permission form signed by the parent. Students who miss a class as a result of participation in a school-sponsored activity are not considered absent for that day or part of the day. They are, however, still expected to complete the work for classes missed.

A student may not participate in a school-sponsored activity if he or she is absent from school or misses the class, leading to the scheduled activity. For example, if the activity starts after 9:50 AM, the student is expected to report to school as usual until the start of the activity. 

 A student whose participation in a school-sponsored activity will take him below the minimum attendance level may not be allowed to participate. The Principal is responsible for making this decision.

The start of the school day is an extremely important part of your child’s day.  Instruction begins promptly at 7:50 a.m. Any student who is not in class with books and materials ready will be marked as tardy. Students may go straight to class if they arrive before 7:55 a.m., and the teacher will mark them tardy. Students who arrive after 7:55 a.m. must collect a late slip from the office before going to the classroom.

Students will be required to serve detention on the third tardy per term and every tardy thereafter. In the event of excessive tardiness, a conference with the class teacher will be held in an effort to remedy the problem. Should the pattern continue, a meeting will be held with the Principal. A record of absences and tardies will be noted on the student’s report card. 

If a student is late for an individual class during the day, a note from his/her previous teacher, the Principal, Counselor, Secretary, or Nurse must be obtained in order to be excused. Unexcused absences to individual classes will be handled the same as above – detentions after the 3rd tardy.

For security reasons, students are required to remain on campus for the duration of the school day. Failure to receive written permission before leaving the campus will be considered truancy from all classes missed. No student will be allowed to leave school without presenting a valid reason. Students leaving during the school day must sign out at the division office and will be given a leaving pass. The security guards will not allow any student to leave campus during school hours without a signed note from the Principal’s office.

Fundamental to American education is for the whole child to realize their future dreams and goals. Raffles American School equips students to be successful today and prepared for tomorrow. We have embedded our learning outcomes, communication skills, research skills, problem-solving, and character into our curriculum at every level. We at RAS give our students the chance to develop compassion, responsibility, and integrity through mutual respect. Our faculty uses formative and summative standards-based assessments for students to demonstrate these attributes in meaningful ways. We inspire students to pursue their passions and dreams.

Our middle school program is fixed except for the selection of a few electives. Here is a link to our Course Selection Handbook for Middle school in the RAS Parent Portal. 

Non-Participation in Physical Education

In order for a student to be excused from participation in a physical education class, she/he must give the P.E. teacher a signed and dated note from a physician clearly stating the reason why the child cannot participate. In the event of repeated excuses, the Principal will be informed, and the parents may be called in for a conference.

Our high school offers a wide range of core and elective courses. Here is a link to our Course Selection Handbook in the RAS Parent Portal. 

English Immersion Program (EIP): English Immersion Program (EIP) is a rigorous one-year immersive language learning course for students applying for grades 3-10 who speak little to no English but who are motivated to quickly become independent linguistic learners and English speakers. This program gives students focused language instruction for up to one academic school year to prepare the learners with the language skills required to reintegrate into and succeed in their appropriate grade-level classes. This program has strict entrance and exit protocols.

In order to receive a High School Diploma from RAS, the following graduation requirements must be met between the 9th and 12th grades:

Department Number of Credits
Core:English 4.0 Credits
Core:Mathematics 3.0 Credits
Core:Science 3.0 Credits
Core: Social Studies 3.0 Credits
World Language (2 Credits required, 3 highly recommended) 2.0 Credits
Fine Arts 1.0 Credits
Physical Education 1.0 Credits
Health .5 Credits
Technology .5 Credits
Total Required Course Credits 18 Credits
Electives from core subjects (minimum of 2 apart from English) 2 Credits
Additional Electives 5 Credits
Total Number of Credits Required for graduation 25 Credits

Students of Raffles American School will be able to demonstrate intelligence and abilities that cannot be measured simply on a standard test.  Our approach is intended to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate a high level of subject knowledge and skills to be successful in academics and life. And equally, the RAS General Learning Outcomes are preparing students for entry into colleges/universities in the United States and around the world. 

We encourage students to meet with their teacher prior to final submissions in order to understand that they are on track and have an opportunity to ask questions about the homework/assignment. If assignments are submitted late, a penalty of  -10% is issued.  Please note that students may request to resubmit an assignment to help improve their knowledge and grade; however, this is a one-time-only opportunity and at the teacher’s discretion.  Teachers will notify parents when assignments are not submitted.

*When we return to campus, there will be a dedicated CCA (Co-Curricular Activity) offered at lunch and/or after school supervised by teachers to help students complete their work.


Secondary school students are assessed on both academic standards and General Learning Outcomes. For academics, high school students will be assessed on an A to F grading scale (page 14), while Middle school students will be graded using the descriptors below. For the General Learning Outcomes, all of Secondary use the GLO descriptors below.


Middle School (Grades 6-8) Academic Standards

  • Excelling (E) – Is progressing beyond the normal grade level expectations
  • Proficient (P) – Is reaching the grade level expectation 
  • Advancing (A) – Is progressing toward meeting the grade level expectation, needing occasional support
  • Beginning (B) – Is progressing very slowly, needing significant support and guidance


  • Excelling (E) – Consistently displays this GLO at a level that is much higher than what is expected for a student at this grade level.
  • Proficient (P) – Consistently displays this GLO.
  • Advancing (A) – Regularly displays this GLO,  needing occasional guidance
  • Beginning (B) – Is just beginning to explore this GLO, needing regular support and guidance


Comments are provided on the second and fourth report cards to further explain the grades and to provide additional information to students and parents regarding progress. Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled after terms 1 & 3.


AP/HS Grading, numerical range (Powerschool)


A = 94 – 100


Exemplary  understanding



  A- = 90 – 93 Exemplary  understanding               3.67
  B+ = 87 – 89 Proficient  understanding               3.33
  B =  84 – 86 Proficient  understanding               3.0
  B- = 80 – 83 Proficient  understanding               2.67
  C+ = 77 – 79 Satisfactory  understanding               2.33
  C  = 74 – 76 Satisfactory  understanding               2.0
  C- = 70 – 73 Satisfactory  understanding             1.67
  D+ = 67 – 69 Limited  understanding             1.33
  D = 64 – 66  Limited  understanding               1.0
  D- = 60 – 63  Limited  understanding               .67
  F = 0 – 59 Insufficient Evidence                 0


The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions around the world, but particularly in the United States. It was first introduced in 1926, and its name and scoring have changed several times, being originally called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, then the Scholastic Assessment Test, then the SAT Reasoning Test, and now simply the SAT. The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test administered by the College Board. The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student’s readiness for college and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants during the college application process. SAT dates will be advertised early in the school year.

In addition to the SAT, RAS provides the PSAT during grade 10. This can be treated as a practice exam for the SAT, where scores are provided, and preparation strategies can be developed based on the exam performance.

MAP Test

MAP, or the Measure of Academic Progress, is a computerized adaptive test that helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students and make informed decisions to promote a child’s academic growth. For Secondary students, MAP tests are administered in the fall and spring of each school year to track growth in the areas of Science, Math, Reading, and Language Usage. MAP Growth reveals how much growth has occurred between testing events and shows projected proficiency when combined with the international norms. We can track growth through the school year and over multiple years. Data from MAP testing helps us customize our learning objectives on an individual basis.

Our expectation is that students work hard during the school day and have completed many of the necessary learning activities and processes at school. One purpose for assigned homework is to follow up on the day’s learning through independent reflection on current learning by the student. Homework is a vehicle to deepen and expand a student’s understanding of and appreciation for a particular subject, and assignments are designed to encourage students to take responsibility for learning. Homework also encourages students to self-evaluate and reflect on their learning. Another important purpose of homework is to help inform teachers as to how well students understand the content, what might be getting in the way of learning, and what should be done next. Homework itself will not be graded; however, students are expected to come to class with the homework completed as teachers will require students to recall homework efforts to demonstrate the learning that may have taken place. A successful homework assignment will find a student wanting to discuss what they are doing in school with their parents because it makes them think, wonder, get excited, or even struggle. We encourage parents to ask questions about their student’s work and projects, but parent interest in homework should be limited to questioning or listening; parents should resist the temptation to correct or ‘do’ student homework. 

Independent reading at home is an expectation for all RAS students. As students progress through middle school and into high school, the expectation for independent reading increases to an hour nightly. Our Learning Outcomes call for efficient allocation of student time and taking responsibility for one’s own learning. Below is a guideline for homework for RAS students. Additional time should be spent on reading.

Grade Level(s) Recommended Amount
Pre-School, Pre-Kindergarten No Homework
Kindergarten Reading
Grade 1 10-20 minutes
Grades 2-3 20-30 minutes
Grades 4-5 40-50 minutes
Grades 6-8 1- 1 1/2 hours
Grades 9-12 2-3 hours (A.P. Courses will require more)

*The College Board recommends that Advanced Placement students spend one-hour studying per day per AP course. This means dedicating seven (7) hours a week for each AP course.

Please note that students who are new to RAS and our academic program may need to dedicate extra time to homework at first as they are developing study habits and laying the foundation for future success. As students move into higher grades and encounter more challenging material, the time needed to complete assignments will also increase and vary. While homework loads may seem heavy from time to time, teachers do assign what they believe is professionally and developmentally appropriate for the class as a whole in order to achieve curricular expectations for the course and grade level.

The school may request summer enrichment activities in order to better prepare the students for AP classes in the upcoming year.

Teachers are responsible for:

  •   Communicating homework expectations to students and parents.
  •     Assigning homework that is meaningful.
  •     Monitoring, providing feedback, and returning student homework in a timely manner.
  •   Providing a variety of authentic and meaningful feedback to students on their homework assignments (individual corrections, teacher comments, reviewing answers in class, peer review, etc.).
  •   Differentiating homework assignments as mandated by a student’s learning plan.

Students are responsible for: 

  • Writing down the homework assignments for each class.
  • Understanding the homework assignments before leaving school.
  • Taking home all necessary materials to complete the assignment.
  • Scheduling time for homework that is compatible with family and/or afterschool activities.
  • Doing homework independently and neatly, with minimal parental/adult help.
  • Completing the homework as assigned and turning it in on time.
  • Checking emails and Google Classroom for updates.

Parents are responsible for:

  • Providing encouragement, support, and interest in the student’s work.
  • Assisting students in developing good study habits by providing a comfortable, well-lit study area away from distractions.
  •   Encouraging students to set a regular time for studying and independent reading.
  • Evaluating the student’s out-of-school activities to be sure that there is sufficient study time.
  • Conferring with teachers regarding any homework concerns.

If a student fails to complete homework, projects, classwork, or other assignments, the teacher has the right to require the student to complete the work during breaks or lunch. In that event, adequate time will still be allowed for the child to eat before classes resume.  A student may be prevented from attending a CCA if there are overdue assignments needing to be completed. Parents will be notified when students are required to remain after school to sit a dedicated CCA supervised by a teacher to allow time for work completion.

Retention is only considered in Middle School. This is the last resort and a decision made by the school administration in consultation with the classroom teachers in terms of what is in the best interest of the child. Potential retention cases will be communicated by the Principal after the third term.

In High School, students receiving a failing grade for a course will not receive credit for that course. Their options include retaking the course, taking part in a credit recovery plan, or making an alternate plan that will satisfy the graduation requirements. Students wishing to attempt to raise their final grade in a course may choose from 2 options:

  • Retake the course in its entirety at RAS. 
    • the transcript will only display the higher grade achieved
  • Retake the course via an approved external vendor.
    • The transcript will display the new course and the grade achieved.
      • The course will appear in a section of the transcript labeled “External Courses.”
      • The new grade will not be used in the calculation of the overall RAS GPA.
    • The original course will receive a new grade on the transcript that will be a 50/50 blend of the original course grade and the new course grade. 
      • The new blended grade will be used for the overall RAS GPA.

There will be a note on the transcript indicating that the course grade is a blended grade.

At the end of each term, students with failing grades in 2 or more subjects may be placed on Academic Probation. An email informing the parents of this status will be sent. The conditions of the probation will be outlined and could include:                

  • A biweekly meeting with the Counselor to monitor progress
  • Weekly progress reports completed by the student and signed by the appropriate teachers

Students will remain on academic probation until an upward trend in performance is noted by the counselor and Principal. Students on academic probation may be ineligible for participation in c0-curricular activities, which may also include varsity sports.

The Principal, Counselor, and teachers will review a student who remains on academic probation for more than two consecutive terms to determine the specific educational problems. If it is concluded that RAS does not offer a program that meets the needs of the student, or if a student is not making sufficient progress, the student may simply fail a course, be assigned to repeat the current grade level, or may be asked to withdraw from RAS.

Students must maintain the following criteria in order to be eligible for participation in co-curricular activities:

  • They cannot be on academic probation or behavioral probation.
  • They are expected to display a good work ethic in class.

Students who are initially cleared for participation in a season of co-curricular activities are subject to removal from CCAs if:

  • Their grades or behavior decline noticeably.
  • They have been suspended from school (a minimum of one-week suspension from CCAs).

 Students ineligible to participate in CCAs may appeal to the Principal to participate in one activity but must meet the following conditions:

  • Complete the appeals form (available from CCA Coordinator).
  • Attend one extra help session each week with the teacher for subjects that are the cause of being on academic probation (if applicable).  
  • Complete assignments in all classes on time.
  • Complete a weekly progress report, which includes signatures from each teacher indicating completion of all work and attendance for extra help. This must be submitted to the counselor.

If any one of these above conditions is not met, the student will be withdrawn from the co-curricular activity immediately.  

In order to maintain the quality of our educational program, class sizes are limited to a maximum of 22 students. Teaching assistants are provided, as needed, depending on class size and educational need.

The Administration reserves the right to hold student records, which may include report cards, transcripts, transfer records, and other formal school documents, in the event of any owed fees, unreturned texts, library books, team uniforms, other school property, or missing information in the Admissions Office, such as emergency contact information, student health forms, and updated immunization records.

If a student is withdrawing from RAS, parents must inform the admission office in writing at least one semester in advance (the first day of the student’s last semester) by submitting the “Statement of Intention to Withdraw” form. This form can be obtained from the Admissions office. Requests for confidential student references or student records must be submitted to the Admissions office at least two school weeks in advance of the date needed. Transcript and report card requests can only be processed one week after report cards are issued.

In the event a student must leave early at the end of the school year, the parents must fill out the absence request form. The final report card will be emailed to the parent at the regularly scheduled time. It will not be done early. Report cards will not be issued for students with outstanding fees.

The report card and transcript for high school students may not be available for up to five working days after the end of school. Students who depart early without the consent of the administration will receive unexcused absences, and all work missed during those days will receive marks of zero (0).

Raffles American School (RAS) accepts students who show the potential to be independently successful in a mainstream college preparatory program and whose academic and social development can be supported through differentiated teaching and learning, as well as a leveled model of interventions. 

RAS offers a wide array of support services, including Learning Support, English Language Learning, and Counseling to help students master the essential elements of the required grade-level curriculum at RAS. Every effort is made to best match students’ needs with provided services.

Prior to receiving services, all potential ELL and/or LS students must go through a rigorous referral process, and the school and parents must agree to a Learning Support Plan that will help guide the student’s learning at both school and at home. A Learning Support Plan may include push-in, pull-out, small group, 1:1 tutoring, study skills development, and classroom modifications/accommodations.  

Significant modifications to assignments, assessments and learning expectations for an individual student are not allowed unless the student has been diagnosed with a learning disability by an Educational Psychologist and the modifications are part of a Learning Support Plan.

Our mission is to collaborate with students, staff, parents, and the community to maximize each student’s potential through the delivery of a developmentally and culturally appropriate program that is comprehensive and supports academic skills, social, emotional well-being, and social responsibility.

Our goal is to support a rigorous academic program that leads to admissions to top universities around the world and ultimately prepares students to have the lifelong skills that lead to a successful and happy life.

Raffles American School’s dress code consists of a few basic elements. It is designed for student comfort and should not cause distractions in the learning environment. It consists of

  • RAS polo top (white or orange) or gray RAS long sleeve top 
  • RAS hooded sweatshirt (if desired)
  • pants/trousers
  • skirts/shorts must be tailored (sports shorts are not permitted)
    Note: Skirts and shorts need to reach no more than one hand width up from the knee.
  • Footwear – beach sandals (flip flops) are not permitted. Sandals need to have a back strap. High heels are not allowed.

School uniform elements may not be modified or personalized. (examples: drawing on shirts or attaching decorative patches). When students are wearing their school uniforms off-campus, they are subject to the school rules and any disciplinary consequences.

The Physical Education uniform for all grades consists of an orange or white RAS T-shirt, tennis shoes (any color), and grey RAS shorts. For Secondary School, this uniform is not to be worn to class. It is for PE classes only.

Other school attire, such as House Color t-shirts, is only worn on announced Color Days or Casual Fridays.

Student and adult behavior at Raffles American School is based on the Character and Interpersonal Skills of our General Learning Outcomes. RAS expects its students to exhibit and adhere to the following expectations:

  • Respect for self and others: Students are expected to be polite and respectful to everyone on campus and to follow the directions of all school staff. It is a mark of courtesy to greet people and respond when greeted. Obscene language and gestures, racial comments, the use of any language or dialect in a disrespectful manner, and swearing are contrary to RAS’s Mission and GLO’s and will not be tolerated.
  • Language use: English is the official language of the school and the language of instruction. Students are required to speak proper English at all times in class unless teacher instruction requires otherwise. An exception is made for those students who arrive with limited English skills so they can communicate while they are learning the language. They are encouraged, however, to use English as much as possible as this will speed their learning of the language.
  • Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive at school on time each day, as well as to all scheduled classes and activities prepared to participate.
  • Drugs: RAS is a drug-free environment. This means the possession, distribution, or use of any tobacco product (including e-cigarettes), alcohol, and illegal drugs are prohibited at all times on the premises. All prescription drugs must be registered and monitored by the school nurse.
  • Academic honesty: Behavior that is unacceptable includes, but is not limited to:
    • Copying another student’s homework;
    • Looking at or copying another student’s test or quiz answers;
    • Allowing another student to look at or copy answers from your test or quiz;
    • Using any other method to get/give test or quiz answers;
    • Taking a test in part or in whole to use or to give others;
    • Copying information from a source without proper attribution;
    • Taking papers from other students, publications, or the internet.
  • Theft and vandalism: Theft is a serious issue, and any student who steals from another student or adult will be subject to disciplinary action. The school administration reserves the right to search lockers, school bags, and other personal belongings on campus or at school-sponsored activities if there is reason to believe a student may be involved in a theft.
  • Noise during class time: Students moving outside classrooms during class sessions must have permission and should do so quietly.
  • Public displays of affection: As a multicultural educational setting, RAS maintains a high level of cultural sensitivity, and we desire to have all members of our community feel comfortable. Public displays of affection are not appropriate on campus or at school-sponsored activities. Please refrain from hugging and kissing that could be perceived to be more than a brief greeting. Behaviors such as kissing on the lips, holding hands (except as instructed by a teacher for a class activity), and sitting on each others’ laps are not acceptable.
  • Aggressive behavior, bullying, and cyber-bullying: Aggressive and abusive behaviors such as stealing, bullying, cyber-bullying, pushing, and fighting are not acceptable. Students shall not threaten others, strike others, extort from others, or in any way create or attempt to create fear in others. Students shall not cause, attempt to cause, or verbally (written or oral) threaten to cause injury or loss of any kind to any other person.  Students who have knowledge of such actions or threats and fail to report them at any time are subject to the authority of school personnel. Cyberbullying is the inappropriate use of electronic communication, such as text messages, e-mail, or posting on social networking websites, and is unacceptable. Bullying and Cyberbullying outside of the normal school hours is also not acceptable as it interferes with the safety and well-being of members of the school community. Such incidents will be treated seriously, investigated thoroughly, and appropriate disciplinary measures are taken if necessary. 
  • Objectionable literature: Students are not allowed to bring inappropriate literature to school, including pornography and religiously or politically charged/fueled materials.
  • Care of property: Students should treat all property with respect— such as textbooks, sports equipment, computers, all school materials, other student’s property, and facilities. Students will be required to pay for any lost, stolen, or damaged property.

Prohibited Items: While on campus, students may not be in possession of matches, lighters, knives, swords, guns, slingshots, or any other items that may be perceived as a weapon.

Discipline at RAS is governed by the following principles and guidelines:

  • All students have the capacity to assume responsibility and make good choices.
  • A school environment in which appropriate behavior is consistently expected and recognized creates a sense of security for all students that will increase their attention to learning and to self-responsibility.
  • Adolescence is a time when students experiment and seek greater independence and autonomy while experiencing a tremendous amount of peer pressure. These forces may cause a student to periodically behave inappropriately, test boundaries,  or make a poor choice.
  • Disciplinary consequences should be fair, productive, and related to inappropriate behaviors.

Students benefit from the educational process best when students, teachers, administrators, counselors, and parents work cooperatively to ensure that students accept responsibility and learn from their mistakes.

The aims of discipline procedures at RAS are as follows:

  • To help students recognize that freedom and responsibility go hand-in-hand.
  • To teach students how to learn from their mistakes.
  • To help students develop effective communication skills, problem-solving skills, and other important interpersonal skills.
  • To create the awareness of personal accountability and logical consequences.

A disciplinary consequence depends on the level of the offense and the student’s disciplinary record. Offenses are classified into 4 tiers. The tier system allows the school to broadly categorize offenses of school rules and regulations, and the tier of the offense determines the initial intervention taken by the school. The tiers are described below. Committing a documented offense at any tier for the third time may result in the incident being elevated to the next tier unless specific consequences for certain behaviors have been defined in other parts of this manual.


  •     Tier-1 Offenses: These offenses are those that do not result in damage to property, do not jeopardize others’ safety, and do not offend or harm others.
  •     Tier-2 Offenses: These offenses are those that result in damage to property, an insult to others, jeopardizes the safety of others without resulting in direct harm and any academic dishonesty. Any unexcused departure from school grounds is also considered a Tier-2 Offense.
  • Tier-3 Offenses: These offenses are those that result in harm to other students and include the possession of illegal or dangerous items on school grounds. A Tier-3 Offense warrants an automatic referral to the division Principal and a parent conference. Committing a Tier-3 offense for the first time usually results in a suspension, the length of which depends on the circumstances. 
  • Tier-4 Offenses: These offenses are extremely serious. They include physical assault of staff members and the use of dangerous items with or without harm being inflicted. A Tier-4 Offense warrants an automatic referral to the division Principal and Superintendent and a parent conference. Committing a Tier-4 offense for the first time will result in a suspension and could lead to expulsion.

Examples of behaviors classified by tiers are listed on the following pages. This list is meant to serve as a guideline only because the context of every action must always be considered. The school administration will determine the final classification of any infraction. The disciplinary measures implemented will depend on numerous factors such as age, attitude, parent involvement, and harm caused. The end goal is always to help students learn from their mistakes and not just issue a punishment.

*Tuition Fees and Deposit will not be reimbursed

Discipline Committee

An RAS Discipline Committee may be convened by the school administration in extreme cases or for Tier 4 offenses. The Discipline Committee exists in order to consider serious discipline issues that have not been corrected by the usual disciplinary responses or for considering instances of serious violations of RAS’s expectations. The committee is made up of the Principal, Counselor, and two-division teachers appointed by the Principal. Referral to the Discipline Committee is serious and may result in short or long-term suspension or expulsion.

Behavior Probation

Students who commit Tier 3 or 4 infractions may be placed on behavioral probation. Behavioral probation is an official notification from the school in which certain privileges may be revoked and/or specific remediation measures required. Students on behavioral probation run the risk of expulsion or non-renewal of admission if behavioral issues persist.

Parents play a key role in their children’s education and should act in the best interests of students, their families, staff, and the RAS community. RAS values its diverse community and respects individuals and their families’ rights, beliefs, and practices. Parents are students’ most significant role models. Accordingly, RAS expects a high standard of personal behavior from parents when they are on school grounds, attending events, or communicating with staff or other students either in person or on social media. Below are examples of unacceptable conduct of parents, including but not limited to:

  • Disruptive behavior which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, office area, or any other area of the school grounds.  
  • Using loud/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language, or displaying temper.  
  • Threatening to do actual bodily harm to another person.  
  • Damaging or destroying school property.  
  • Abusive or threatening emails, text/voice messages, or other written communication.  
  • Defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the students/parent/staff at the school on Facebook or other social media sites. (any concerns you may have about the school must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teacher, principal, or superintendent, so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately, and effectively for all concerned)
  • The use of physical aggression towards another adult or child.  
  • Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own child.  
  • Smoking or consumption of alcohol or other drugs while on school property. 


The following are the steps that RAS will take when a parent’s conduct is unacceptable:  

  1. The RAS administration will meet with the parent, giving a verbal warning. 
  2. RAS will send the parent a written warning.
  3. RAS may ban a parent from entry to school grounds or from attending co-curricular activities or other events.  
  4. RAS may direct that a parent may only communicate with members of staff through a nominated RAS representative. 
  5. In cases of extreme or prolonged inappropriate behavior by a parent, RAS may terminate the child’s enrollment if such termination is considered to be in the best interest of RAS.  

Depending on the severity of the situation, steps may be omitted at the discretion of RAS.

Statement of Intent

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all of our students. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at Raffles American School. If bullying does occur, all incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a telling school. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person carried out repeatedly over time and occurring within a relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. Bullying takes many forms. Bullying can be:


  • Physical, i.e., pushing, kicking, hitting, slapping, tripping, punching, or any use of violence
  • Relational, i.e., being unfriendly, intentionally excluding someone from a group, tormenting (e.g., hiding books, threatening gestures, mean faces), causing embarrassment or shame, passing notes
  • Verbal, i.e., name-calling, insults, sarcasm, spreading rumors, teasing, threats of physical bullying, graffiti
  • Sexual, i.e., unwanted touching, obscene gestures or comments made about a person’s body type or physical features
  • Faith-based, i.e., offensive or intentionally insensitive comments related to an individual or group’s religions
  • Ethnic, i.e., cultural slurs, racial taunts, gestures
  • Cyber: i.e., spreading harmful information or lies about others through any online or social media platform; threats via any messaging service.
  • Passive, i.e., watching or laughing without trying to help the victim.

Reporting Procedures

All school employees are required to report alleged violations to the division Principal. Staff members are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur. All other members of the school community, including students, parents, volunteers, and visitors, are expected to report any act that may be in violation of these regulations. All reports will be taken seriously. The administration will conduct a prompt, thorough, and complete investigation of each alleged incident in order to verify the validity and seriousness of the report. Reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports a bullying incident is prohibited. Filing a report in good faith will not reflect upon the individual’s status, nor will it affect grades.



  1. Report bullying incidents to staff.
  2. Incidents will be recorded by staff and submitted to the Principal’s office.
  3. The bullying behavior or threats of bullying will be investigated.
  4. Disciplinary consequences will be duly applied.
  5. Parents will be informed and may be asked to come in for a meeting to discuss the problem.
  6. An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behavior.

Remedial Action And Consequence

The following factors will be taken into consideration when determining appropriate consequences: age, development, degree of harm, surrounding circumstances, nature and severity of the behavior, past or continuing patterns of behavior, the relationship between involved parties, and the context in which the alleged incident has occurred. The appropriate disciplinary response(s) will be applied:

  • The bully (bullies) and the victim will receive counseling services.
  • After the incident(s) have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place.
  • Consequences, as per the RAS Code of Conduct, will be put in place. In serious cases or cases of persistent bullying, long-term suspension or expulsion will be considered.


We will use a variety of methods for helping children to prevent bullying.  These may include:

  • Writing a set of classroom & school rules
  • Writing stories or poems or drawing pictures about bullying
  • Reading stories about bullying or having them read to a class or at an assembly
  • Role-playing
  • Having discussions about bullying and why it matters
  • Guidance lessons

Cell phones may be brought to school for emergency use or as directed by a teacher for educational purposes.  However, students should not use cell phones during school hours or during participation in after-school activities.  Students should turn off their cell phones and store them in their backpacks during the day.  If cell phones are seen during the academic day, they will be confiscated. Repeat offenders will have their cell phones confiscated for multiple days (1st offense = 1 day; 2nd 0ffense = 2 days; 3rd offense = 1 week). Students are allowed to use mobile phones after the school day as long as they are not participating in a CCA. 

Electronic devices of any kind should only be used at school for educational purposes. Computers should only be used for prescribed educational activities. Headphones are only to be used when specifically directed by a teacher and should not be seen outside the classroom. Students are encouraged to leave all money and other valuable property at home.  RAS assumes no responsibility for the loss of such articles.  Students should write their names on any other personal items they bring to school. Weapons, including toy weapons, are strictly prohibited.

RAS furnishes books, research materials, and instructional materials, much of which remains as school property. Parents will be required to reimburse the school for lost or damaged books. Students will be asked to provide their own personal school supplies. Individual teachers will communicate specific requirements at the beginning of the school year. Secondary students are required to provide their own Apple computer for use in the classroom.

Secondary students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of competitive and club sports. Competitive sports will involve tryouts and include football, swimming,  badminton, basketball, girls’ touch-rugby, track and field, and volleyball. Practices/ games will generally be held three times per week from 3:15 until 4:45. As the name suggests, these sports will include competitions with other international schools inside, and potentially outside, of Johor Bahru. In some cases, there will be Varsity teams and Jr Varsity teams to allow more students to participate at appropriate levels of competition. Club sports such as softball, rock-climbing, and off-season swimming will be provided once a week and will not involve competitions with other schools. For all sports, student-athletes must bring proper equipment and clothing, or they will not be allowed to participate in practices or games. On competition days, students must be in attendance for at least half the school day in order to be eligible to compete.

Our teachers are encouraged to arrange educational field trips for the students during the school year, as they provide unique opportunities for students to learn, first-hand, many different aspects of living in Malaysia. Field trips are planned at RAS with the following considerations in mind:

  • Field trips must be scheduled and approved by the Principal at least two weeks (14 calendar days) in advance to allow adjustments to the program. 
  • Field trips must be planned and executed with clear learning objectives and outcomes.
  • Before a student can participate in a field trip, the parent or legal guardian must sign a consent form, which will be provided by the teacher.
  • All field trips must be approved by the RAS Security Manager to ensure proper safety and security of all students and teachers.

Raffles American School has a morning snack time and lunch built into the daily schedule. Students may bring a packed snack and lunch from home or purchase from our cafeteria’s nutritional selection. Student’s ID cards will be able to be loaded with funds to be swiped and used in the cafeteria. Students whose lunch is included in their tuition will receive the set snacks in the morning and afternoon and the set lunch. If they would like to have food items outside of the set meals (pies, cookies, etc.), they will need to load their cards with funds to pay for these. Parents are not allowed to eat lunch in the cafeteria. 

During the scheduled breaks, students may spend their time in the cafeteria, any supervised spaces provided (gym, library) or any common area within the secondary section of the campus.

Shadowing by non-RAS students is not allowed in secondary school.

The school maintains Lost and Found items at the reception areas in the different administrative buildings. Parents, students, and teachers are encouraged to check these areas for any lost items. 

Unclaimed Lost and Found items will be donated to a local charity at the end of each term.

To prevent loss of items, students should: 

  • Write their names on the cover of all books
  • Write their names on the inside of their school uniform items
  • Label personal items such as wallets, purses, clothing, electronics, etc. 
  • Add a passcode to any personal electronic devices
  • Bring only necessary items to school and keep valuable possessions at home

Appointments with teachers should be made directly with the teacher. Please note that it is not possible for teachers to meet when class is in session. Meetings with teachers may be arranged for times before student arrival in the morning, during teacher planning times, or after student dismissal.

The library is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM and on Friday from 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM. No food or drink is allowed in the library. During class times, students must have a pass from their teacher to go to the library alone. A quiet atmosphere is expected to be maintained in the library. Students needing frequent reminders to quiet down may have their library access restricted.

Students are responsible for all books checked out of the school library and must pay replacement costs for any lost or damaged books. Late fines will be charged for overdue books. At the end of the year, a student’s report card will be held until all library books are returned, replaced, or paid for.

Students who lose or damage school resources are required to pay any repair or replacement cost as determined by the school. This applies to furniture, electronic equipment (including technology items), installations, etc. The appropriate faculty member will inform the Finance Office, parents, and students, and the Finance Office will issue an invoice to the family. Payment may be made directly to the Finance Office.

RAS staff members are not allowed to tutor their own students for remuneration. Tutoring for pay by an RAS staff member shall not occur during the school day or when it conflicts with any school meeting, event, lesson preparation, or professional responsibility.

Birthday celebrations at school are not appropriate in Secondary School.

Students’ health and safety is the school’s foremost concern.  If your child has any specific health, safety, or security needs, please inform the school so that appropriate accommodations can be made. In addition to the Student/Parent handbook, RAS also has a Protection Handbook for the safety and wellbeing of all RAS community members. 


The school clinic is located on the ground floor next to elementary administration, is well staffed with a full registered nurse. If a student is unwell, they will be cared for by the nurse in the clinic until they are picked up by the parent/guardian. The school clinic provides first aid care to sick and injured students during school hours, including school activities within the school campus. The school nurse is able to administer certain over-the-counter medication and refers students to emergency medical services if needed. The school clinic is also equipped with essential emergency equipment such as oxygen apparatus, Nebuliser set, trauma kit, and automated external defibrillator (AED). Staff will treat minor injuries in school. Parents/guardians will be notified if the student requires treatment beyond simple first aid (cut or bruise), so it is important to have contact information up to date. Students will be taken to a hospital (by school transport or ambulance) should the situation warrant, and notification of parents will be attempted.

If your child’s health status has changed since enrollment and completion of the student’s health record or the last update, please inform the school nurse. The school nurse may need to discuss a care plan with you if your child has allergies/asthma/diabetes. All information is kept strictly confidential. The school nurse can be contacted via phone at 07-5098744 or seen directly in the school clinic.

Prior to your child’s admission to school, you will be required to complete the necessary medical forms. It is important that the school is made aware of any medical condition that your child has, including allergies or if they are receiving any medication.

If your child has not yet received BCG – Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (For Tuberculosis) vaccine, it is compulsory for a Mantoux test OR Chest X-Ray within 6 months of admissions to prove that they are free from tuberculosis. Parents are required to submit updated vaccination documents to the clinic for record purposes prior to the start of each school year. The school nurse will check the vaccination records and advise if any vaccination is due.

Prior to school admission, parents are required to submit a medicine consent form together with a medical form stating which medicine can be administered by the school nurse. 

The clinic is well stocked with over-the-counter medicine, which will be dispensed to students according to the permissions given on the form indicated above. 

  • Emergency medicine: Students are not allowed to carry medicine with them except for asthma inhalers and Epi-Pen. For students who experience severe allergic reactions, it is compulsory for them to bring an Epi-pen to school.
  • Prescription medicine: Prescription medication must be kept in the school clinic during school hours and brought in with original packaging, labeled with the student’s name, the purpose of medicine, dosage, route, and instruction of administration by the doctor/pharmacist. The parent/guardian can collect the medicine before students return home.

Over-the-counter medicine: Must be kept in the school clinic during school hours and brought in with the manufacturer’s original label with the student’s name attached to the container.

Students with a certain disease are not allowed to attend school while the disease is still contagious. These illnesses include but are not limited to chickenpox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis (pink eye), gastroenteritis, streptococcal infection, influenza, hand foot mouth disease (HFMD), tuberculosis, scabies, and pediculosis (head lice). 

A doctor’s certificate is required by the school nurse for the above diseases prior to the child returning to school.

It is our goal to provide an environment that is conducive to healthy learning for all students and staff. When students fall sick during the school day, they will be referred to the school nurse. The nurse will assess the students and decide on the next course of action. It may include students taking a brief rest to see if they feel better, or parents may be contacted directly to pick up a student as soon as is feasible.

If your child develops any of the symptoms below, please keep them at home until they are free from symptoms or have been satisfactorily treated:

RAS has emergency procedures for fires and lockdowns. These drills are practiced regularly, and expectations for behavior during these drills are clearly explained to students. Specific procedures are outlined in the RAS Safety, Security, and Emergency Procedures Manual available to parents in the main office. Everyone on campus is required to participate in school drills. A RAS faculty member will help guide parents and visitors to the appropriate location during drills.


Trained security personnel secure our campus, and access to the campus is limited during the school day. Upon approaching the RAS control gate and at all times while near the campus, drivers are required to respect the instructions of RAS security guards and staff. Failure to comply may result in the vehicle and driver being banned from the drop-off and parking areas. 


All vehicles must display a current RAS sticker in order to be admitted to the campus drop-off and parking areas. Vehicles without the sticker will undergo a complete vehicle screening.


Other guidelines for vehicles:

  •     Drivers may not park in or on areas that are not designated as parking areas.
  •     Horns should not be used except to protect students or other pedestrians. Drivers are advised to exhibit patience and not use their horns in an attempt to make another driver hurry. Car stereo volume should be turned down when near the school grounds.
  •     Drivers must comply with all instructions of RAS traffic, safety, and security personnel. 

      Repeated failure to comply with instructions may result in suspension from the RAS campus.

Security Badges

All visitors, parents, staff, and contractors are expected to wear identification badges on campus. Parents are permitted in school corridors only during drop-off and pick-up times or for scheduled appointments. There is a parent coffee lounge beside the security office under the double gym.

Prohibited Items

The following items are not allowed on campus: 

  •     Dangerous weapons (guns, pepper spray, tasers, etc.)
  •     Knives, swords, staves, and other sharp objects
  •     Matches and lighters (students)
  •     Tobacco products (students) – RAS is a smoke-free campus
  •     Alcoholic drinks
  •     Non-prescription drugs
  •     Aerosol cans
  •     Car batteries
  •     Gas cylinders
  •     Any other item deemed to be a danger or threat to the safety of the school and community at the discretion of the school administration and/or Security Manager

RAS is a smoke-free campus.

Pets and animals should only be brought to school for educational purposes and may only be brought to campus if special permission is received from the Principal at least two days in advance.  

Pets on campus are expected to be leashed or caged at all times. Pet owners are responsible for ensuring that all waste is immediately cleaned and disposed of and that all immunizations, vaccinations, etc. are up to date. Pet owners are responsible for any damage or harm caused by the pet.

Skateboards, in-line skates, scooters, shoe skates, bicycles, or any similar equipment are not allowed on campus unless necessary for a co-curricular or school-sponsored activity.

Parents are expected to contact the secondary office to update any new or changed emergency contact information.

Change of Address, Email, or Telephone Number

Parents must notify the school of any change or update of address, email, or telephone number. This information should be given or

The secondary office will periodically ask parents to verify contact information, but we encourage parents to contact the school to verify that all information for their child is up to date.

The school must be notified in advance and in writing any time that both/all parents/legal guardians will be away from Iskandar at the same time. In such cases, someone must be designated as the child’s guardian, and this person must have the authority to make medical and other decisions related to the child’s well-being. It is recommended that this person be introduced to the division Principal in advance of the parents’ traveling.

Students must be living with their parent (s) or a designated adult guardian approved by the school. Students housed inappropriately may be asked to leave the school.

A student may be allowed to live with a designated adult guardian approved by the school. Guardianships are not intended to replicate boarding environments.


  1. The guardian will assume the role of the parent (in loco parentis). Specifically, the guardian will:
  • Provide appropriate supervision
  • Monitor school performance, study habits, homework completion, etc. and make appropriate interventions
  • Communicate with the school, attend parent conferences, monitor PowerSchool, etc
  • Provide a safe environment that is conducive to study and wellness
  • Ensure timely and appropriate medical care as needed
  1. The student must be residing with the guardian on a full-time basis.
  2. The guardian will inform the school if they will not be immediately available due to travel or other reasons and will supply the school with contact details of alternate supervision
  3. The guardian will be responsible for communicating all school-related information to the parent(s).
  4. The guardian will assume all legal responsibilities for the student.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a loss of guardian status and/or a student being asked to leave RAS. 



2021 / 2022 Academic Year

  1. Application Fee for all new enrollments is due prior to admissions interview and academic assessment.
  2. Registration Fee is a one-time fee, charged at time of enrollment on a per family basis.
  3. Tuition Fee is for one full academic year of study.
  4. When starting in the Pre-K 3 program, Registration Fee is split: 7,500 first year, then 7,500 again when continuing in Pre-K 4.
  5. All students Grades 5-12 are required to own a MacBook, loaded with necessary specifications.
  6. Re-enrollment Fee is an annual fee, charged from the second year of enrolment onward.
  7. Morning snack, lunch, and after-school snack are included with tuition.

8.The payment of Explore Week fees are compulsory and are as follows: Grade 6 (1000MYR), Grade 7-9 (1500MYR), Grade 10-12 (2300MYR).

All fees are quoted in Malaysian Ringgit and are non-refundable and non-transferable Fees are payable in advance and are assessed in accordance with the fee structure established by the Board of Directors Terms and conditions are subject to change.

Payment Terms and Conditions

Students who are 12 years and older are eligible for the Raffles American School Boarding program.

Double Occupancy

Single Occupancy







(Fees are non refundable)

Boarding fees are non-refundable and non-transferable

• All fees are payable in advance

• Boarding fees include transportation to and from Senai airport.

• Fees are inclusive of food and laundry.

• Fees apply for both weekly and full boarding.

• Students are permitted to leave the boarding house on weekends and long holidays.

• If enrolment occurs mid-semester, the Boarding fees will be prorated accordingly.

• The boarding house closes for holidays that are one week or longer. During this time, there are no staff on the premise, and student boarders are required to spend their holidays off-campus.

• Boarding deposit is used for trips to the doctor, school excursions, etc. This deposit shall be returned minus the funds spent on activities listed above but not limited to.

• Optional weekend activities arranged by the school will be charged at cost.

• Terms and conditions apply, refer to RAS Boarding Agreement.


2021/2022 Academic Year

Thank you for your interest in RAS transportation. We offer safe, secure door-to-door service throughout Johor and Singapore. Our multiple busses are all school owned and operated. RAS bus routes are based on demand and pick up and drop off times are scheduled based on location.








Johor Route




Johor Route




Johor Route



All fees are indicative of two-way pricing

Once payment has been received, the student will be added to the transportation schedule:

Departure Times






Depart RAS

(Bus 1)






Depart RAS

(Bus 2)







Thank you for your interest in RAS transportation. RAS has multiple vans, driven by RAS drivers, for transportation to and from multiple locations throughout Singapore.  Door-to-door service available upon request.  






Multiple pick-up locations available.



All fees are indicative of two-way pricing

Once payment has been received, the student will be added to the transportation schedule.

Departure Times






Depart SG






Depart RAS






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