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A Learning Community that Empowers Students to Achieve their Academic and Life Potential.

Elementary Student and Parent Handbook 2023-2024












Dear Students and Families:


Welcome to the 2023/2024 school year. The Elementary School at RAS is a holistic learning community that provides a rigorous, child-centered learning program. We enable our students to be courageous, confident and successful through active participation in a creative, academically challenging and dynamic learning environment. We promote the language acquisition of every child in order to be confident learners and communicators.


We believe that education is a partnership between the student, their family, and the school. We will do our best to keep you informed about what is happening at school, as well as your child’s academic growth, and we encourage you to be involved in your child’s education. 


Your communication and feedback is very important to us.  Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers or any member of our team if you have questions or concerns. 


The information contained in this Handbook serves as a guide regarding the school’s operations and expectations for attending RAS. Information regarding attendance, behavior, dress, health, safety, and all other expectations in the Handbook are our Policies. These are the guiding principles for our learning community. Please go through this handbook with your child and submit the signed form at the back to school.


Thank you for choosing Raffles American School.

Think. Create. Succeed.



Mr. James Elliott

Elementary Principal

RAS Mission Statement & Governance


Raffles American School is a learning community that empowers students to achieve their academic and life potential. RAS serves students Pre-K through 12th grade. Our rigorous and rich academic and co-curricular programs encourage student growth through a learning outcome approach, acknowledging multiple types of intelligence and paths to learning. We facilitate student success through collaboration with parents, a balanced focus on intellectual, emotional, physical, and social progress, and a profound belief that all students can learn.



Raffles American School is a subsidiary of Raffles Education Corporation. The Superintendent of Raffles American School is responsible for day-to-day operations, personnel decisions, financial management within the budget, and most importantly, ensuring the overall quality of educational offerings for Raffles American School.  The RAS Superintendent reports to the CEO of Raffles Education Corporation.

We expect that all students, in all classes, at all grade levels, will actively demonstrate the  RAS General Learning Outcomes.

Problem-solving and thinking skills
  • Think analytically, strategically, critically, creatively, independently, and collaboratively. Question themselves, others, and ideas objectively and reflectively.
  • Problem-solve through acquisition, integration, and successful application of content/learning.
  • Apply knowledge to real-life situations.
  • Take responsible risks and approach problems with creativity and perseverance.
Organization and Research Skills
  • Efficiently allocate their time and energy towards prioritized tasks.
  • Use appropriate technologies, resources, and strategies to gain access to relevant information.
  • Logically organize information using appropriate strategies and tools.
  • Create finished products showing a high degree of content understanding, neatness, quality, and precision.
Communication Skills
  • Communicate effectively as listeners, speakers, readers, and writers through auditory, visual, physical, or digital means to a range of audiences for a range of purposes.
  • Display appropriate presentation skills.
  • Demonstrate collaborative communication skills.
Character and Interpersonal Skills
  • Demonstrate compassion, honesty, and integrity in dealing with others.
  • Show tolerance, understanding, empathy, and respect for other people and cultures within the school and the broader community.
  • Make appropriate choices to maintain physical and emotional health.
  • Show responsibility, adaptability, perseverance, and initiative.
  • Work effectively in group situations.

Elementary School Principal: Ms. Suzanne Thibault

Elementary School Assistant: Miss Rachel


Early Childhood

Class Teacher Assistant
PK 3 and 4 Mark Guillemette Ms. Judith
Kinder Kim Reimann Ms. Ru


Class Teacher Assistant
Grade 1 Maureen Ra Ms. Lariza
Grade 2 Joseph Davis Ms. Siti
Grade 3A Aime Ferreira Ms. Rhenu
Grade 3B Samantha Charlop Ms. Adda
Grade 4 Meghan Kelly Ms. Aida
Grade 5 Rochelle Lowe Ms. Fatin
EIP Valerie vanElswyk Ms. Zarina

Specialist Teachers

Class Teacher Assistant
PE Tiago Silva
Music Yeo Sook Siah
Art Megan Wood
WS Library Hema Ganesan Ms. Nadia
Mandarin A Javvy Toh
Mandarin B Huey Jiun Yew (Yew)
Bahasa Nor Nabila (Bella)
ELL &  Support Learning Darla Her
Learning Support Suzanne Thibault & Darla Her

To foster a professional, positive atmosphere on our school campus, it is important for all members of the school community to observe the proper channels of communication. Concerns should first be discussed directly and respectfully with the individual(s) involved. In any discussion, all participants are expected to maintain a calm demeanor and tone. An appointment can be made by contacting the teacher or Elementary Principal directly by email or via the Elementary School Assistant.

Question Regarding Person to Contact Email
General information, messages for staff or students Elementary Secretary, Ms. Rachel
Issue affecting your child Class teacher/s
School transport Mr. William Wong
Medical concern
Extra-curricular activities (CCAs) Athletic Director – Mr. Andy Manion
General issue or issue not resolved with a teacher Elementary Principal – Ms. Suzanne Thibault

In the Elementary School, we use Class Dojo as the primary tool to share information and communicate with families. Teachers will post photos and updates of what is happening in class and information and reminders about school events. You can select what language you prefer to receive the messages.

Class Size and Curriculum

Class Size

To maintain the quality of our educational program, class sizes are limited to the following.

Grade Level Maximum number of students
Early Childhood (PreK and Kinder) 18 students
Elementary (Grades 1-5) 22 students

Elementary Curriculum

The fundamental belief of American education is the concept of educating the whole child for the successful realization of dreams and goals. Our curriculum is based on what we truly believe all students should know and be able to do, now and in the future. We support and challenge students to embed learning outcomes, such as communication skills, organizational and research skills, and problem-solving/thinking skills into our curriculum for all ages. We provide students with engaging learning opportunities to grow in compassion, responsibility, integrity, and respect. Our faculty use formative and summative assessment strategies to enable students to demonstrate these attributes in meaningful ways so that all students have opportunities to think, create and succeed.


Curriculum Overview

Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, is instructed through a balanced literacy approach. Reading, writing, listening, speaking, phonics, spelling, and word study are studied in an integrated style through the use of a variety of quality literature.  Students work with leveled texts and learn to decode, develop comprehension strategies, and improve their independent reading level at an increasing degree of complexity. Students also focus on nonfiction texts as they acquire the skills to interpret information, research, and question material presented. Writing is focused on engaging students in meaningful context for the purpose of communicating their ideas. Students are guided through modeling, reflecting on model examples, sharing their own work, and peer editing the work of others. A consistent framework is used for writing to demonstrate what strong writing looks like through focus on ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions and presentation.  Students are encouraged to publish their written work in various formats for the genre produced.

Mathematics: Students study Mathematics through a focus on the Common Core Eight Mathematical Practices. The practices of ‘make sense of problems and persevere in solving them,’ as well as ‘attend to precision,’ are consistently emphasized as applicable to all areas of mathematical study. Students engage in critical thinking as they ‘reason abstractly and quantitatively’ and ‘construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.’ Problem-solving involves the ‘use of appropriate tools strategically’ and ‘model with mathematics.’ Strategic thinking also requires that students ‘look for and make use of structure,’ while ‘expressing regularity in repeated reasoning.’ These Eight Mathematical Practices, along with the development of the four general learning outcomes, form the backbone for the mathematics curriculum. Students learn through direct instruction, fluency practice, games, math investigations, and collaboration.  Study in mathematics requires student-generated problems, working with manipulatives, group investigations, and classroom discussion. The Common Core Curriculum emphasizes a firm foundation and fluency in addition and subtraction before formalizing the algorithms for multiplication and division.  Rational number study follows multiplication and division fluency as students are prepared for higher-level math classes. Measurement, Data, Geometry, Algebraic Thinking, Statistics, and Probability are integrated into each grade level with various emphasis.

Science: The study of science at RAS is focused on the use of the scientific method. From the early grades, students are encouraged to wonder and question the world around them. Students learn Biology, Chemistry, and Physics each year as they investigate the many happenings within the world in which we live. Directed reading of factual, informational text provides the basis for vocabulary and concept acquisition. Teachers engage students in experiments while emphasizing research, observation skills, safety, recording tools, and communication of conclusions. Students are encouraged to interact with their environment, pose additional inquiries, research, and share their thoughts collaboratively.

Social Studies: The Social Studies program begins with the microcosm of self and family, and it gradually expands to today’s global issues. As a student progresses from self and family to community, state, country, region, and the world, they acquire the skills necessary for mapping, interviewing, filmmaking, and documentation. Students deepen their understanding of government, conflict, change, technology, and culture in the Asian region, ultimately leading to the study of the global order and issues of today.

World Languages: The World Languages currently offered at RAS include Bahasa Malay and Mandarin. Mandarin is offered in two classes; one for native speakers and one focusing on Language Acquisition. Communities, Connections, Cultures, Comparisons, and Communication are the focus of the language units.. Students will continue to advance their knowledge in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in their target language.

The Arts: Students participate in both Visual Arts and Music classes as part of our Elementary program. Learning experiences in Visual Arts and Music gives students opportunities to learn about the creative process whilst developing skills and techniques. Through The Arts, students are able to inquire into other cultures and history and are encouraged to make connections between their personal experiences and the world around them. Visual Art and Music are valued as opportunities for students to develop their creativity and self-expression. Dance is incorporated into our Physical Education Program. Students in Pre-School also participate in Music and Movement classes each week.

Physical Education: Health, Fitness, and Wellness are the focus of the Physical Education program.  Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of this program is to develop educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful activities. Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Students develop an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. RAS emphasizes participation in physical activities, development of social and personal respect for others in physically active situations, and a lifelong enjoyment of activity-based challenges and expression.


Students of RAS will be able to demonstrate intelligence and abilities that cannot be measured simply on a standard test. Our inquiry-based approach is intended to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of subject content and our General Learning Outcomes, preparing students for future success. 

At RAS, we believe the ongoing assessment is a crucial part of the learning and teaching process. RAS teachers employ a myriad of strategies to assess students’ learning throughout the learning process. Both students and teachers are engaged in assessing and reflecting on student progress encouraging our students to take ownership of their learning and develop their reflection and critical thinking skills. Effective assessment strategies allow students to share their knowledge, skills, and understanding in a variety of ways. Effective assessment strategies allow parents to understand their child’s progress, support them in learning, and celebrate their achievements.

Term 1 and 3 Progress reports, a snapshot of learning at this time with grades only.
Term 2 and 4 Full reports and comments are provided to further explain the grades and to provide additional information to students and parents regarding progress, success, and ways to further improve.

The following descriptors are used in student reports:

Academic Standards

Excelling (E) Progressing beyond the normal grade level expectations
Proficient (P) Reaching the grade level expectation
Advancing (A) Progressing toward meeting the grade level expectation, needing occasional support
Beginning (B) Progressing very slowly, needing significant support and guidance

General Learning Outcomes (GLOs)

Excelling (E) Consistently displays this GLO at a much higher level than what is expected for a student at this grade level.
Proficient (P) Consistently displays this GLO
Advancing (A) Regularly displays this GLO, needing occasional guidance.
Beginning (B) Is just beginning to explore this GLO, needing regular support and guidance

Student-led conferences take place in the second half of the year to encourage students to demonstrate their learning and to further the partnership between students, parents, and teachers.

We believe that homework and home reading develops:

  • Enthusiastic readers
  • Responsibility and organizational skills
  • Good study habits
  • Knowledge and the application of knowledge and skills of school-based learning
Grade Level(s) Recommended Amount
Pre-Kindergarten 3 and 4 No Homework
Kindergarten Reading
Grade 1 10-20 minutes
Grades 2-3 20-30 minutes
Grades 4-5 40-50 minutes

Students are responsible for: 

  • Understanding the homework tasks that have been set.
  • Taking home all the necessary materials to complete their homework tasks.
  • Scheduling time for homework that is compatible with family and/or afterschool activities.
  • Doing homework independently and neatly, with minimal parental/adult help.
  • Completing the homework by the set deadline.

Teachers are responsible for:

  • Communicating homework expectations to students and parents.
  • Assigning, monitoring, providing feedback, and returning student homework on time.
  • Providing a variety of authentic and meaningful feedback to students on their homework.
  • Assigning meaningful homework.
  • Differentiating homework tasks as mandated by a student’s different needs. 

Parents are responsible for:

  • Providing encouragement, support, and interest in the student’s work.
  • Assisting students in developing good study habits by providing a comfortable, well-lit study area away from distractions.
  • Encouraging students to set a regular time for studying and independent reading.
  • Ensuring their child has a balance of activities, time with family, and time for homework.
  • Communicating with teachers regarding any homework concerns

We encourage parents to ask questions about their students’ work and projects, but parents interest in homework should be limited to questioning or listening; parents should resist any effort to correct or ‘do’ student homework.

Field Trips and learning beyond the classroom

Teachers utilize learning experiences beyond the classroom as part of their inquiry units as they provide unique opportunities for students to learn, first-hand, many different aspects of living in Malaysia. 

Field trips are planned at RAS with the following considerations in mind:


  • Field trips must be scheduled and approved by the Principal at least two weeks (14 calendar days) in advance to allow adjustments to the program.
  • Field trips must be planned and executed in concert with clear learning objectives and outcomes.
  • Before a student can participate in a field trip, the parent or legal guardian must sign a consent form, which will be provided by the teacher.
  • Risk assessments of all field trip venues must be completed and approved by the Principal to ensure proper safety and security of all students and teachers.

The library is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM and on Friday from 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM. No food or drink is allowed in the library. 

During class times, students must have a pass from their teacher to go to the library alone. A quiet atmosphere is expected to be maintained in the library. If a student must be frequently reminded to quiet down, his/her library use may be restricted.

Students are responsible for all books checked out of the school books and must pay replacement costs for any lost or damaged books. Students may not borrow additional books until the lost book is returned or paid for. Late fines will be charged for overdue books. The Library will inform both the Finance Office and the student, and the Finance Office will issue an invoice to the family. Payment may be made directly to the Finance Office. 

At the end of the year, a student’s report card will be held until all library books are returned, replaced, or paid for.

Book Replacement Cost Shipping/Handling
RM0- RM80 RM40
RM80.01- RM170 RM80
RM170.01 – RM250 RM120
RM250.01 – RM320 RM160
RM320.01 – RM400 RM200
RM400.01 and above RM250

RAS staff members are not allowed to tutor their own students for remuneration. Tutoring for pay by a RAS staff member shall not occur during the school day or when it conflicts with any school meeting, event, lesson preparation, or professional responsibility.

RAS offers a wide array of support services including Learning Support, English Language Learning, and Counseling to help students master the essential elements of the required grade-level curriculum at RAS. Every effort is made to best match students’ needs with provided services. Our aim is to collaborate with students, staff, parents, and the community to maximize each student’s potential through the delivery of a developmentally and culturally appropriate program that is comprehensive and supports academic skills, social, emotional well-being, and social responsibility.

Prior to receiving services, all potential ELL and/or LS students must go through a referral process, and the school and parents must agree to a Support Plan that will help guide the student’s learning at both school and at home. A Support Plan may include push-in, pull-out, small group, 1:1 tutoring, study skills development, and classroom modifications/accommodations. 

Significant modifications to learning tasks and assessments will only be put in place for a student who has been diagnosed with a learning disability from an Educational Psychologist and part of a Learning Support Plan.

At RAS we are strong believers that every teacher is a language teacher. Three ELL specialist teachers are employed in the Elementary School to work alongside homeroom teachers to differentiate learning and provide additional support for students for whom English is an additional language. ELL support is provided in Grade 1 -5 classrooms using a ‘push in’ model where the ELL teacher supports children in the homeroom class. Sometimes, children with significant needs may be ‘pulled out’ from the homeroom class for short periods of time to focus on core language skills in an alternate setting to develop academic and social language skills needed to access, engage and express their understanding. This enhances the learning environment to enable our students to build their understanding of language through the content of the learning happening in the classroom and to ensure that students are building their language skills to work towards meeting grade-level academic standards.

Students receive support from an ELL teacher if they demonstrate through their daily learning and key assessments that they are not meeting language expectations in that grade level.

At RAS we believe that every child is unique and learns about the world around them in different ways. In the Elementary we have two Learning Support teachers, one focusing on Early Childhood and the other supporting students in Grades 1 – 5. The LS teachers work alongside the homeroom teachers to support students who have a specific learning or behavioral need or if they are not making the progress expected despite interventions by the homeroom teacher. Sometimes, it may be necessary for a child to have 1:1 or small group sessions with the LS teacher to focus on core skills and understandings. Teachers will refer students of concern to the Student Support team if this is needed and parents will be consulted throughout the process.

Retention or repeating a grade level will always be considered a last resort for Elementary students. Retention could be considered by the Student Support Team and Principal in consultation with teachers when documented alternative educational strategies and interventions have not resulted in the expected student progress.

Factors for students repeating a grade level could include;

  • Significant lack or slow academic progress and achievement in core learning areas
  • Social and emotional development concerns
  • Age appropriateness for grade level

There will be thorough communication and consultation with parents if there is a concern regarding their child’s grade level placement throughout the year.

Throughout the year, we focus on different elements of character education and citizenship through our Morning Meetings and Assemblies and also through activities in our homeroom classes. The themes that we focus on are as follows:

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
Respect and Caring Caring and Inclusiveness Integrity and Responsibility Courage

Assemblies in the Elementary School aim to;

  • Develop our Elementary community
  • Provide an opportunity for classes to share and celebrate what they are learning with others
  • Promote the GLOs
  • Promote Citizenship

Assemblies are scheduled regularly throughout the school year, celebrating learning and the achievements of our ES students. Generally, ES assemblies are held on Friday mornings at 11:30 am, as scheduled in the whole school calendar in the MPH. Every grade level from Kindergarten including the specialist teachers are responsible for presenting at least one assembly per year. They could present from a range of learning experiences including a play, a skit, dance performance, musical presentation, or a slide presentation with commentary. Parents are invited to attend all assemblies, classes should send invitations to parents two weeks before the event.  The Elementary School Principal will coordinate the schedule of assemblies throughout the year.

The Raptor Report is shared in homerooms each Monday morning and is used to share announcements and celebrate learning and achievements in an informal way.

ES student leaders give student representatives the opportunity to contribute to school activities and service. It promotes student leadership and responsibility as well as attributes of the RAS GLOs. In Term 1, student leaders are elected in Grade 5, additionally, there are opportunities for student leadership through CCAs such as the Active Sports Leader (ASL) program and library leaders.

All Elementary classes begin with homeroom at 7:50 am. Please ensure your child is here in plenty of time to start their day.  The first 10 minutes of the day is dedicated to settling into class, pastoral care, and taking attendance. The first lesson begins at 8 am. For Pre-K3, the school day finishes at 1 pm. For Pre-K 4 – Grade 5, the school day will end at 3 pm except on Fridays when it ends at 1 pm. 

Our daily schedule encompasses Language Arts and Mathematics on a daily basis. Science and Social Studies lessons are averaged over a five-day week and are all taught by the grade-level teacher. Specialist teachers provide lessons in Music, Art, Physical Education, Library, and World Language (Mandarin or Bahasa Melayu) These are included in the schedule as is age-appropriate.

Homeroom teachers will share class timetables with families at the beginning of the school year and update families with any key changes throughout the year.

The Co-curricular activities program (CCA’s) aims to provide our students with opportunities to be balanced learners and pursue interests in a number of different areas outside of their everyday learning experiences.

PreK3 and PreK4 students have the opportunity to participate in externally provided CCAs as is age-appropriate.

Students from Kinder to Grade 5 have a number of co-curricular activities available to them after school. For all activities, students are expected to come prepared with appropriate clothing, equipment, and water. 


Further information regarding CCAs, times, and more can be found via the Activities and Athletic Director directly.

At RAS, students, teachers, and families work together to help our students become caring, independent, hard-working, and responsible world citizens. We aim for the highest achievement for all of our students. 

This is achieved by;

  • Developing positive relationships and learning environments
  • Recognizing good behavior, hard work, and attendance in a consistent way across the school
  • Working in partnership between families and school to support students

Positive Discipline is about being positive; giving clear, firm guidelines; and having very clear simple rules and consequences that are implemented in a consistent way.

Our Elementary School Rules

The following simple rules help our students develop their self-regulation skills as independent learners;

  • Be caring; with our words and actions
  • Be respectful; of one another, those who help us and our equipment 
  • Be organized; be on time and have everything you need ready to learn
  • Be a good communicator; listen carefully and speak clearly, with purpose and respectfully

At the beginning of each year, each class develops a class agreement together which outlines how they will work together to develop a positive learning environment. 

Acknowledgment of positive and appropriate behavior

As students show they are developing and following these rules, it is important that their efforts are recognized by teachers and teaching assistants. Strategies to recognize students could include;

  • Verbal praise/written praise and feedback from teachers, teaching assistants, and peers
  • House points
  • Messages were sent home to the students’ family
  • Certificates of recognition


When students don’t follow the rules, teachers work with the students to help them learn to not repeat the same mistake. Strategies that will be used when students don’t follow the rules include;

Level 1 

  • A reminder of the expectation. This could be a question, a reminder, or warning from the teacher or teaching assistant

Level 2 

  • A second reminder could include moving to another place in the classroom or a time out away from the group
  • Reflection time for the student to think about their actions and what they need to do next
  • The teacher will facilitate a restorative discussion between students to help them interact in a more appropriate manner
  • The student may be required to stay in class for some play time in order to complete tasks that have not been completed in the set time due to their behaviour
  • The teacher will communicate with parents about an incident that has occurred

Level 3 

All Level 3 – 5 behaviors are recorded in PowerSchool as part of the student’s permanent school record

– continued inappropriate behavior from a student 

  • The teacher will communicate with parents and the Principal regarding their concerns
  • The student may be referred to the Student Support Team for further consultation
  • The student may be removed from the class or playground by the Principal
  • Possible exclusion from school sporting teams and extra-curricular activities

– physical acts towards another student or teacher

  • The student will be removed from the class or playground 
  • Reflection time for the student to think about their actions and what they need to do next
  • The teacher or Principal may facilitate a restorative discussion between students to help them interact in a more appropriate manner
  • Incident reports to be completed by supervising teachers
  • The teacher or Principal will communicate with parents
  • Possible exclusion from school sporting teams and extra-curricular activities
  • The student may be referred to the Student Support Team for further consultation

Level 4

  • The Principal will meet with the class teacher, the student’s parents and the Student Support Services Coordinator to plan for additional interventions and support. 
  • An Independent Education Plan will be implemented.
  • The Superintendent will be informed of the behavioral concern
  • Short suspension or temporary exclusion from school

Level 5

  • Suspension from school for two-three days
  • Referral to the Principal to determine if the student will be able to continue at RAS

Parents play a key role in the education of their children and should act in the best interests of students, their families, staff and the RAS community. RAS values its diverse community and respects the rights, beliefs, and practices of individuals and their families. Parents are students’ most significant role models. Accordingly, RAS expects a high standard of personal behavior from parents when they are on school grounds, attending events, or communicating with staff or other students either in person or on social media. Below are examples of unacceptable conduct of parents, including but not limited to

  • Disruptive behavior which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, office area, or any other area of the school grounds.  
  • Using loud/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language, or displaying temper.  
  • Threatening to do actual bodily harm to another person.  
  • Damaging or destroying school property.  
  • Abusive or threatening emails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communication.  
  • Defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the students/parents/staff, at the school on Facebook or other social sites. Any concerns you may have about the school must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teacher, principal, or superintendent, so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately, and effectively for all concerned.  
  • The use of physical aggression towards another adult or child.  
  • Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them because of the actions of this child towards their own child.  
  • Smoking and consumption of alcohol or other drugs whilst on school property. 

The following are the steps that RAS will take when parents’ conduct is unacceptable:  

  1. RAS administration will meet with the parent giving a verbal warning. 
  2. RAS will send the parent a written warning.
  3. RAS may ban a parent from entry to school grounds or from attending co-curricular activities or other events.  
  4. RAS may direct that a parent may only communicate with members of staff through a nominated RAS representative. 
  5. In cases of extreme or prolonged inappropriate behavior by a parent, RAS may terminate the enrollment of the child of that parent, if such termination is considered to be in the best interest of RAS, in line with the General Learning Outcomes and mission statement for a conducive learning community.  

Depending on the severity of the situation, steps may be omitted at the discretion of RAS.

Statement of Intent

We are committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all of our students so that they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at Raffles American School. If bullying does occur, all incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a telling school. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff.


  • Teaching and non-teaching staff, students, parents, and community members must have an understanding of what bullying is.
  • Community members and teaching and non-teaching staff must know what the school regulations are on bullying, and follow them when bullying incidents are reported.
  • All students and parents must know what the school regulations are on bullying and what they should do if bullying arises.
  • As a school, we take bullying seriously.  Students and parents should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.
  • Bullying will not be tolerated.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person or the intentional harm-doing, carried out repeatedly over time and occurring within a relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. Bullying takes many forms. Bullying can be:

  • Physical, i.e. pushing, kicking, hitting, slapping, tripping, punching, or any use of violence
  • Relational, i.e. being unfriendly, intentionally excluding someone from a group, tormenting (e.g. hiding books, threatening gestures, mean faces), causing embarrassment or shame, passing notes
  • Verbal, i.e. name-calling, insults, sarcasm, spreading rumors, teasing, threats of physical bullying, graffiti
  • Sexual, i.e. unwanted touching, obscene gestures or comments made about a person’s body type or physical features
  • Faith-based, i.e. offensive or intentionally insensitive comments related to an individual or group’s religions
  • Ethnic, i.e. cultural slurs, racial taunts, gestures
  • Cyber, i.e. spreading harmful information or lies about others through email, online chats or blogs, Facebook, text messages, cell phones or cameras. Mobile threats by text message, BBMing, SMSing/calls, misuse of associated technology including the RAS network
  • Passive, i.e. watching or laughing without trying to help the victim 

Why is it Important to Respond to Bullying?

Bullying hurts. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with respect. Students who are bullying need to learn different ways of behaving. RAS recognizes it has a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to bullying issues.

Signs and Symptoms

A child may indicate by signs or behavior that he or she is being bullied.  Adults should be aware of these possible signs and should investigate if a child:

  •     Changes his/her usual routine
  •     Is unwilling to go to school (school phobic)
  •     Begins to be absent from school
  •     Becomes withdrawn, anxious, or lacking in confidence
  •     Starts stuttering
  •     Attempts or threatens suicide or runs away
  •     Cries her/himself to sleep at night or has nightmares
  •     Feels ill in the morning
  •     Begins to do poorly in school work
  •     Comes home with clothes torn or books damaged
  •     Has possessions that are damaged or “go missing”
  •     Asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully)
  •     Has lunch or other monies continually “lost”
  •     Has unexplained cuts or bruises
  •     Comes home starving (money/lunch has been stolen)
  •     Becomes aggressive, disruptive, or unreasonable
  •     Is bullying other children or siblings
  •     Stops eating
  •     Is frightened to say what’s wrong
  •     Gives improbable excuses for any of the above
  •     Is afraid to use the internet or mobile phone
  •     Is nervous or  jumpy when a cyber message is received

These signs and behaviors could indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and should be investigated.

Reporting Procedures

All school employees are required to report alleged violations to the division Principal. Staff members are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur. All other members of the school community, including students, parents, volunteers, and visitors, are expected to report any act that may be in violation of these regulations. All reports will be taken seriously. The administration will conduct a prompt, thorough, and complete investigation of each alleged incident in order to verify the validity and seriousness of the report. Reprisal or retaliation against any person who reports a bullying incident is prohibited. Filing a report in good faith will not reflect upon the individual’s status, nor will it affect grades.


  1. Report bullying incidents to staff.
  2. Incidents will be recorded by staff and submitted to the Principal’s office.
  3. The bullying behavior or threats of bullying will be investigated.
  4. Disciplinary consequences will be duly applied.
  5. Parents will be informed and asked to come in for a meeting to discuss the problem.
  6. An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behavior.

Consequences for Bullying

RAS staff and administration will implement the Code of Conduct infractions and consequences that match the specific bullying behaviors to disciplinary and/or remedial action.

The following factors will be taken into consideration when determining appropriate consequences: age, development, degree of harm, surrounding circumstances, nature and severity of the behavior, past or continuing patterns of behavior, the relationship between involved parties, and the context in which the alleged incident has occurred.

Consequences and appropriate remedial actions for a student who commits one or more acts of bullying may involve behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or a recommendation for expulsion. The hierarchy of consequences will be used as a basis for determining disciplinary action.

Since bystander support of harassment or bullying can support negative bullying behaviors, RAS prohibits both active and passive support for acts of harassment or bullying. The staff will provide encouragement and support for students to walk away from acts of harassment or bullying, constructively attempt to stop them, and/or report them to the designated authority. Students will be taught the skills to know how to intervene when they witness a bullying incident.

Remedial Action And Consequence

The appropriate disciplinary response(s) will be applied:

  • The bully (bullies) and the victim will receive counseling services
  • After the incident(s) have been investigated and dealt with, each case will be monitored to ensure repeated bullying does not take place
  • Consequences, as per the RAS Code of Conduct, will be put in place. In serious cases or cases of persistent bullying, a recommendation to the Superintendent for long-term suspension or expulsion will be considered


We will use a variety of methods for helping children to prevent bullying.  As and when appropriate, these may include:

  • Writing a set of classroom & school rules
  • Signing the anti-bullying pledge
  • Writing stories or poems or drawing pictures about bullying
  • Reading stories about bullying or having them read to a class or at an assembly
  • Role-playing
  • Having discussions about bullying and why it matters
  • Guidance lessons

Attendance and Participation

Students are expected to be at school every day. RAS understands that students will occasionally be ill, or that there may be circumstances beyond a student or family’s control that necessitate an absence. Parents are requested to contact the school when a student is going to be absent. Absences may be considered excused or unexcused. A student shall be excused from school when the absence is due to

  • Illness or quarantine
  • Medical or dental services
  • Attending the funeral of an immediate family member
  • Mandated court appearance by the student or parent/guardian
  • Observance of a religious holiday or ceremony
  • Other justifiable personal reasons that have been requested in advance and in writing by the parent and approved at the discretion of the division Principal

For absences of three or more consecutive days, appropriate verification and documentation must be provided to the school for an absence to be considered excused. An absence request form should be submitted to the divisional office in these cases. This form should be submitted in advance whenever possible or immediately upon return. Unexcused absences may not be made up. RAS requires that students be present for 90% of a semester and year in order to receive credit for a course or grade level. This translates to nine absences in Semester 1 and nine in Semester 2 (18 total). 

Tardies and Early Dismissal

The start of the school day is an extremely important part of your child’s day.  Instruction begins promptly at 7:50 am. Any student who is not in class ready to learn will be marked as tardy. Attendance is submitted electronically at 8:00 a.m. Therefore, students who arrive after this time must collect a tardy slip from the ES office before going to the classroom so that necessary adjustments can be made to the student’s attendance record.

In the event of excessive tardiness, a conference with the class teacher will be held in an effort to remedy the problem. Should the pattern continue, a meeting will be held with the Principal. A record of absences and tardies will be noted on the student’s report card.

Daily Routines

Traffic on campus is a one-way system. Please follow the directions to the exits as shown in the diagram below.

Morning Drop-Off Routine:

Students must arrive at school between 7:30 and 7:50. All Elementary children should be dropped at the Elementary entrance next to the Elementary Music Room.  All children will have their temperature taken and then proceed to their Homeroom classroom.

Afternoon Pick-Up Routine:

All Elementary students will be escorted to the Elementary entrance at the front of the school at the end of their day. Students who are participating in after-school activities will go to the cafeteria for a snack before activities start. They will be escorted to the Elementary entrance after their CCA to meet their parents. 

Playgrounds are not to be used after school. Parents are expected to pick up their child promptly at the end of the school day.

Students and Parents on Campus During Weekends/Holidays:

Students and parents are only allowed on campus during weekends and holidays for previously scheduled and approved school activities. All school rules apply, and students may not wander to unsupervised areas of the campus. The RAS faculty member who is responsible for the activity or event must be present at all times and will stay until all parents and students have left.

Leaving Campus During the School Day

For security reasons, students are required to remain on campus for the duration of the school day. No student will be allowed to leave school without presenting a valid reason. Students leaving during the school day must sign out with the ES secretary and will be given a leave pass. The security guards will not allow any student to leave campus during school hours without a written note from the administration.

Students’ health and safety is the school’s foremost concern. If your child has any specific health, safety, or security needs, please inform the school so that appropriate accommodations can be made. In addition to the Student/Parent handbook, RAS also has a Protection Handbook for the safety and wellbeing of all RAS community members. 

Students requiring medication during the school day are requested to register all medications with the nurse. A parent/physician note with the reason for medicine, dosage, and duration is requested. Students old enough to take medicine for themselves still need to have the medicine registered so the dosage can be properly monitored. Younger students will have medication monitored by the nurse.

Staff will treat minor injuries in school. Parents/guardians will be notified if the student requires treatment beyond simple first aid (cut or bruise),  it is, therefore, important to have contact information up to date. Students will be taken to a hospital should the situation warrant and parents will be notified prior to taking a student to the hospital, when possible.

Illness during the School Day

When students fall sick they will be referred to the school nurse. The nurse will assess the child and decide on the next course of action. It may include the student taking a brief rest to see if they feel better, or parents may be contacted directly to pick up the student as soon as possible. The action suggested by the nurse is final and parents are responsible for following the nurse’s requests.

Non-Participation in Physical Education

In order for a student to be excused from participation in a Physical Education class, she/he must give the P.E. teacher a signed and dated note from a physician clearly stating the reason why the child cannot participate. In the event of repeated excuses, the Principal will be informed and the parents may be called in for a conference.

RAS furnishes books, research materials, and instructional materials, much of which remain as school property. Each grade level has a list of specific items, personal supplies, that are needed for parents to supply for their child. It is expected that children come with these supplies ready for their first day of school. Replenishing used items is the responsibility of the parents. Supplies are available in the school shop or may be purchased at your own convenience.

Raffles American School’s dress code consists of a few basic elements. It is designed for student comfort and should not cause distractions in the learning environment. It consists of

  • RAS polo top (white or orange) or grey RAS long sleeve top 
  • RAS hooded sweatshirt (if desired)
  • pants/trousers
  • skirts/shorts must be tailored (sports shorts are not permitted)
    Note: Skirts and shorts need to reach no more than one hand width up from the knee.
  • Footwear – beach sandals (flip flops) are not permitted. Sandals need to have a back strap. High heels are not allowed.

School uniform elements may not be modified or personalized. (examples: drawing on shirts or attaching decorative patches)

The Physical Education uniform for all grades consists of an orange or white RAS T-shirt, tennis shoes (any color), and grey RAS shorts. For the Elementary School, this uniform is not to be worn every day to class. It is for PE days only.

Other school wear, such as House Color t-shirts are only to be worn on announced Color Days or Casual Fridays.

Equipment: Lost and Damaged School Resources

Students who lose or damage school resources other than books are required to pay any repair or replacement cost as determined by the school. This applies to furniture, electronic equipment (including technology items), installations, etc. The appropriate faculty member will inform the Finance Office, parents, and the student, and the Finance Office will issue an invoice to the family. Payment may be made directly to the Finance Office.

Equipment: Personal Items at School

Toys and personal items are best to be left at home each day unless a teacher has asked them to be brought in for a specific purpose. Cell phones may be brought to school for emergency use or as directed by a teacher for educational purposes.  However, students should not use cell phones during school hours or during participation in after-school activities.  Students should turn off their cell phones and store them in their backpacks during the day.  If cell phones are seen before or during the academic day, they will be taken away. Students are allowed to use mobile phones after the school day as long as they are not participating in a CCA. 

Electronic devices of any kind should only be used at school for educational purposes. Computers should only be used for prescribed educational activities. Headphones are only to be used when specifically directed by a teacher and should not be seen outside the classroom. Students are encouraged to leave all money and other valuable property at home. RAS assumes no responsibility for the loss of such articles.  Students should write their names on the front of all books, inside all uniform items, and on any other personal items they bring to school. Candy, toys, and electronic devices of all kinds (i.e. game consoles) interfere with the learning process and should not be brought to school without teacher permission.  Weapons, including toy weapons, are strictly prohibited.

The school maintains a Lost and Found section at the Elementary reception desk. Parents, students, and teachers are encouraged to check this area for any lost items.

 Lost and Found items will be organized by the week they were found and unclaimed items will be donated to local charities after a period of time.

To prevent loss of items, students should: 

  •     Write their names inside the cover of all books
  • Write their names on the inside of their polos, PE shirts, shorts, and hoodies 
  • Label personal items such as wallets, purses, clothing, electronics, etc. with their name
  •     Add a passcode to any personal electronic devices
  •     Bring only necessary items to school and keep valuable possessions at home

Elementary students have a morning snack time (Brain Break) and lunch built into the daily schedule. Students may bring a healthy packed snack and lunch from home or purchase from our cafeteria’s nutritional selection. Students’ ID cards will be able to be loaded with funds to be swiped and used in the cafeteria. For students whose lunch is included in their tuition, they will receive the set snacks in the morning and afternoon and the set lunch. If they would like to have food items outside of the set meals (pies, cookies, etc.), they will need to load their cards with funds to pay for these. Students may only buy food for themselves to be eaten in the cafeteria and should not bring sweets, candy, chips, or other non-healthy choices.

Small birthday celebrations at school may be held at the discretion of the teacher. Parents must request a celebration with the teacher at least one week in advance. Birthday celebrations are held either during break or at the end of the school day and should not be elaborate or take more than 10 minutes. A joint celebration should be held when two children in a class celebrate on the same day. Kindly assist us by observing the following additional guidelines below:

  • Food should consist of one small treat for each child such as a piece of cake, cupcake, cookie, or fruit snack. No drinks or gifts are needed
  • Siblings enrolled at RAS may not miss class to attend the class celebration.

Parents are expected to contact the office to update any new or changed emergency contact information.

Parents must notify the school of any change or update of address, email, or telephone number. This information should be given to Ms. Rachel.

The elementary office will periodically ask parents to verify contact information, but we encourage parents to contact the school to verify that all information for their child is up to date.

The school must be notified in advance and in writing any time that both/all parents/legal guardians will be away from Iskandar at the same time. In such events, someone must be designated as your child’s guardian and this person must have the authority to make medical and other decisions related to your child’s well-being. It is recommended that this person be introduced to the division Principal in advance of the parents’ traveling.

A student may be allowed to live with a designated adult guardian approved by the school. Guardianships are not intended to replicate boarding environments and will be approved only in extenuating circumstances.


  1. The guardian will assume the role of the parent (in loco parentis). Specifically, the guardian will:
  • Provide appropriate supervision
  • Monitor school performance, study habits, homework completion, etc and make appropriate interventions
  • Communicate with the school, attend parent conferences, monitor PowerSchool, etc
  • Provide a safe environment that is conducive to study and wellness
  • Ensure timely and appropriate medical care as needed
  1. The student must be residing with the guardian on a full-time basis.
  2. The guardian will inform the school if they will not be immediately available due to travel or other reasons and will supply the school with contact details of alternate supervision
  3. The guardian will be responsible for communicating all school-related information to the parent(s).
  4. The guardian will assume all legal responsibilities for the student.
  5. This guardianship document must be signed in the presence of the School Principal or their designee.
  6. The student must demonstrate continued academic progress and earn appropriate credits.

Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a loss of guardian status and/or a student being asked to leave RAS.

In the event a student must leave early at the end of the school year, the parents must fill out the absence request form. The final report card will not be given early and will be emailed to the parent when available. Report cards will not be issued for students with outstanding fees.

Students who depart early without the consent of the administration will receive unexcused absences and all work missed during those days will receive marks of zero (0).

Friends and relatives of RAS students are not permitted to join and attend classes. Shadowing or a trial will only be permitted for potential future students. A request for this type of visit must be made to the Elementary Principal, two school days in advance. Approval is at the discretion of the Principal. The visiting student must follow the rules and code of conduct outlined in our handbook. Shadowing will be for a maximum of one day.

The Administration reserves the right to hold student records, which may include report cards, transcripts, transfer records, and other formal school documents, in the event of any owed fees, unreturned texts, library books, team uniforms, other school property, or missing information in the Admissions Office, such as emergency contact information, student health forms, and updated immunization records.

If a student is withdrawing from RAS, parents must inform the admission office in writing at least one semester in advance by submitting a Statement of Intention to Withdraw (first day of the student’s last semester). This form can be obtained from the admissions office. Requests for teacher recommendation letters or student records must be submitted to the Admissions office at least two school weeks in advance of the date needed. Transcript and report card requests can only be processed one week after report cards are issued.

RAS has emergency procedures for fires and lockdowns. These drills are practiced regularly, at least once each term, and expectations for student behavior during these drills is clearly explained to students. Specific procedures are outlined in the RAS Safety, Security, and Emergency Procedures Manual available to parents in the main office. Everyone on campus is required to participate in school drills. A RAS faculty member will help guide parents and visitors to the appropriate location during drills.

Trained security personnel secure our campus, and access to the campus is limited during the school day. Upon approaching the RAS control gate, and at all times while near the campus, drivers are required to respect the instructions of RAS security guards and staff. Failure to comply may result in the vehicle and driver being banned from the drop-off and parking areas. 

All vehicles must display a current RAS sticker in order to be admitted to the campus drop-off and parking areas. Vehicles without the sticker will undergo a complete vehicle screening.

Other guidelines for vehicles:

  • Drivers may not park in or on areas that are not designated as parking areas
  • Horns should not be used except to protect students or other pedestrians. Drivers are advised to exhibit patience and not use their horn in an attempt to make another driver hurry. Car stereo volume should be turned on low when near the school grounds.
  • Drivers must comply with all instructions of RAS traffic, safety, and security personnel.
  • Repeated failure to comply with instructions may result in suspension from the RAS campus.

All visitors, parents, staff, and contractors are expected to wear identification badges on campus. As per our Child Protection Policies, and in light of the recent pandemic, unauthorized parents and visitors are not permitted in the Elementary classroom or playground areas.

The following items are not allowed on campus: 

  •     Dangerous weapons (guns, pepper spray, tasers, etc.)
  •     Knives, swords, staves, and other sharp objects
  •     Matches and lighters (students)
  •     Cigarettes (students) – RAS is a smoke-free campus
  •     Alcoholic drinks
  •     Hard drugs
  •     Aerosol cans
  •     Car batteries
  •     Gas cylinders
  •     Any other item deemed to be a danger or threat to the safety of the school and community at the discretion of the school administration and/or Security Manager

RAS is a smoke-free campus.

Pets and animals should only be brought to school for educational purposes and may only be brought to campus if special permission is received from the Principal at least two days in advance.  

Pets on campus are expected to be leashed or caged at all times. Pet owners are responsible for ensuring that all waste is immediately cleaned up and disposed of and that all immunizations, vaccinations, etc. are up to date. Pet owners are responsible for any damage or harm caused by the pet.

Skateboards, in-line skates, hoverboards, scooters, shoe skates, bicycles, or any similar equipment are not allowed on campus unless necessary for a co-curricular or school-sponsored activity.

Parents of RAS students are allowed to use the track or pool (during pool hours) during the school day as long as it does not conflict with school activities. The school assumes no liability in the event of injury and the parent will be held responsible for any damage to school property.

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