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A Learning Community that Empowers Students to Achieve their Academic and Life Potential.


Six Pillars of Boarding

Boarding students will immerse themselves in the school community and take advantage of all extra-curricular activities and the sports available. Learning outside the classroom, whether it is on the sports field or in a club or activity, will help students develop social and learning skills for success. Students will be a model for their peers and recognize their unique place in society. Students will also understand the value of social service by giving back to the community through outreach programs and activities, which will enable students to understand their place within society while understanding the important trait of having humility.


Boarding students will immerse themselves in the school community and take advantage of all extra-curricular activities and the sports available. Learning outside the classroom, whether it is on the sports field or in a club or activity, will help students develop social and learning skills for success. Students will be a model for their peers and recognize their unique place in society. Students will also understand the value of social service by giving back to the community through outreach programs and activities, which will enable students to understand their place within society while understanding the critical trait of having humility.

Self Awareness

Boarding students will understand and recognize that their difficulties and challenges are opportunities to grow and reflect on their strengths and maximize their potential. Students will demonstrate a conscious knowledge of one’s character, feelings, motives, and desires. The idea of being self–aware is that a student will understand their limits and areas of growth to challenge themselves and mature.

Home Away from Home

The boarding environment is a home away from home. Thus, students should enjoy and help create cherished memories that will last for the rest of their lives. While there is always time reserved for academic work, there will also be time for children to enjoy their surroundings and participate in trips and activities that are fun and motivate them to excel. During this time, the skills learned are vital in growing as a person and understanding their peers’ character and behavior. These skills will allow students to grow within friendships and understand the idea of fellowship.

Independence and Accountability

For a boarding student to be successful, they will be instructed to be independent and accountable for their actions and progress. Students will understand why the rules are essential and how they help them be successful, independent, and responsible. Students are guided to develop ethical values and morals to live by. It is necessary that students understand the notion of accountability, whereby actions have consequences, and that mistakes lead to growth and an opportunity to improve on character and behavior.

Academic Achievement

Boarding students will be given the opportunity, through structured Study Sessions, to focus on their academic achievement. Staff will be on hand to guide students with their academics and encourage them to attend extra lessons the school offers. The Boarding Director will also meet regularly with teachers and staff to have a real-time update on students’ academic progress and arrange meetings with students to assist with a goal–setting and action plan to improve academic growth. The importance of academic development will be vital for students to appreciate their future studies and tertiary education options.

Caring and Nurturing Environment

Boarding students will be exposed to a friendly, caring, and nurturing environment. The environment will help mold each child’s unique character and maintain a safe learning and living place. Students can approach staff for guidance and advice and learn to overcome obstacles in a constructive manner. The boarding environment is structured through specific outings, socials, and interactions for students to be educated towards the idea of being a holistic learner and nurturing each child’s unique character traits.

Grade level Average Age
5th Grade 10 years old
6th Grade 11 years old
7th Grade  12 years old
8th Grade  13 years old
9th Grade  14 years old
10th Grade  15 years old
11th Grade 16 years old
12th Grade 17 years old

A Word From Our Director of Boarding

Welcome to the RAS Boarding House, a ‘home away from home’ for RAS students. We strive to provide an environment where students in our care are treated as individuals and receive a personalised educational experience.

Building a close community is the primary objective of our Boarding House. We believe in a stable, caring, and supportive family-like environment where students receive adult guidance through a well-resourced boarding program.

“Family” is the keyword, and the Boarding House staff are committed to providing a positive “in loco parentis” philosophy for students. In the near future, the RAS Boarding House will be the ‘boarding of choice’ in Malaysia for many parents and students because of the high quality of education offered in the day school and the equally high quality of care we offer in Boarding.

The Boarding House provides students with a unique opportunity. Living together in a harmonious setting gives the boarders a chance and allows the opportunity to learn and explore the ideas, values, and histories that underline each cultural group’s uniqueness. This rich experience also teaches us that despite our obvious differences, many more similarities are shared between us as human beings, which we might not have previously realized. We strive to educate students to be responsible, positive, productive, and ethical citizens with the skills to think creatively, reason critically, and communicate effectively, with an attitude of respect towards people of other cultures and our environment.

The Boarding House has a team of dedicated supervisors and support staff who aim to provide an environment where students are safe, happy and have the opportunities to develop and grow in body, mind and spirit in a structured setting. The Boarding Team is made up of live-in teachers, supervisors, full time nurses and auxiliary staff who help maintain the cleanliness of the house and aid in the needs of students.

Food is always an important part of boarding life, and we aim to offer catering of the highest standard through our dedicated RAS Catering Team, which provides appetizing and nutritional meals that meet the needs of all tastes.

Our Boarding House offers an environment where students can acquire productive and effective study habits and participate in the wide range of opportunities available to them at RAS. This enables them to achieve in the classroom, on the stage, or on the sports field and to leave as confident, independent, self-disciplined, and well-rounded young adults ready to take on the world.

– Herman Kruger

Mission Statement

The boarding program at Raffles American School aims to provide each student with a safe, nurturing environment that allows them to build upon their character strengths while challenging them to excel both academically and socially. We actively apply these principles in our boarding programs, guiding students ages 12 to 19 through their development into well-balanced young adults ready to take on university life challenges and beyond.

Our Senior Boarding Program follows the “Six Pillars” of Boarding: Community, Self-Awareness, Home Away From Home, Independence and Accountability, Academic Achievement, Caring, and Nurturing Environment. These pillars form the foundation of the skills and values we teach each child, allow them to realize and harness their academic potential, and become global citizens. Senior Boarding students are expected to demonstrate empathy towards their community and their fellow peers; exhibit critical thinking skills that allow them to troubleshoot problems and challenges; develop self-awareness of their strengths and character; show accountability for their decisions and understand there is a reaction to all actions; and gain a level of maturity that allows them to be academically, socially, and emotionally prepared for college and beyond.

In the RAS Boarding program, our motto of “Live.Learn.Play” is a part of all that we do. At RAS boarding, we Live as part of a supportive community, Learn academically, socially, and emotionally through all we do, and incorporate Play into every day, as we teach students to balance responsibility and enjoyment of life.

The Raffles American School program consists of five boarding houses, each with five floors that house students, teachers, and boarding staff. Each floor has eleven to thirteen private rooms. Each room has two comfortable beds, a personal safe, desks, chairs, notice boards, and an adjustable air conditioner in every room. Linens are available upon request. A sophisticated security system secures all boarding facilities with guards on duty 24 hours a day. 

A cozy common room area is designed with our students in mind on each floor, fitted with a television with satellite channels, comfortable seating, and bean bags. The first floor of every boarding house also has a larger common area with a fridge and small kitchenette for students to store and prepare their snacks as they please. Each floor has bathrooms with private showers and sinks. All boarding buildings are separated by gender, meaning that male and female students can only access their same-gender boarding house.

As part of the boarding program, students are monitored by Resident Assistant (RAs) Teachers who live in apartments on each floor. This means that at all times, students can rely on their RAs in times of need or during study times. Staff members are on duty in pairs for one night a week and for one weekend a month, ensuring that students have the support and guidance they need when they need it. There is a dedicated RA on duty every night to monitor our scheduled routines and offer guidance. There is also a fully functioning medical clinic within RAS boarding with a nurse on staff 24/7 to provide first aid and care to minor illnesses. Should there be any additional medical attention required or an emergency, Gleneagles hospital is less than 10 minutes away.

On the ground floor is a central state-of-the-art co-ed common space where students from the different boarding houses socialize, interact, and hear school announcements from the heads of boarding. This area is fitted with televisions and equipment for other recreational activities, such as table tennis, foosball, billiards, and more. There is also a student store where students can purchase snacks after school. Students may also use the facilities on campus, such as the swimming pool, gymnasiums, and soccer fields during leisure time.

Boarding Schedule

Time Activity
6:30am: Morning Wake Up
6:30am–7:00am: Shower time
7:20am: Roll call and uniform check. Staff check to make sure rooms are neat and tidy. Be ready for inspection at 7:20
7:20am – 7:50am: Breakfast and announcements
7:50am: Classes– students bring school bags and materials to breakfast. Students may visit the clinic.
11:45am– 1:00pm: Lunch– according to academic timetable
3:15pm – 5:00pm: Extra-curricular activities
6:00pm: Dinner. Staff to check all students at dinner.
6:30pm – 6:45pm: Shower time (Thursday meeting at 6:30pm)
6:50pm: Roll call and announcements on 1st floor.
7:00pm – 7:50pm: 1st study session
7:50pm – 8:00pm: Break (10 minutes) Snack time
8:00pm – 9:00pm: 2nd study session
9:15pm – 9:45pm: 3rd Study session (Grade 11, 12)
9:00pm – 9:30pm: Free time if not in the 3rd study session (laptop for games, etc.) or shower time.
9:30pm – 10:30pm: Bedtime (Quiet time according to age and grade.)
Time Activity
10:00am: Morning Wake Up
10:30am: Shower time
11:00am – 11:30am: Brunch and roll call (Roll call taken at brunch)
12:30pm: Lunch with roll call
1:00pm – 5:00pm: Depart for trip to mall or excursion
5:00pm – 6:00pm: Shower time and free time
6:00pm – 6:30pm: Supper with roll call
7:00pm – 9:00pm: Movie Night or Games Night / free time
9:00pm – 10:30pm: Shower time and free time
11:00pm: Bedtime for all students
Time Activity
9:30am: Morning Wake Up
9:30am – 10:00am: Shower time
10:00am – 10:30am: Breakfast and roll call
10:30am – 12:30pm: Free time (students may play and use facilities on campus). Use the sign out sheet.
12:30pm: Lunch with roll call
1:00pm – 5:00pm: Free time (students may play and use facilities on campus). Use the sign out sheet.
3:00pm – 5:00pm: Study session (for all students on academic probation.
5:00pm: All boarders must return from home
5:45pm: Room inspection before dinner
5:45pm: Roll call and announcements on the first floor
6:00pm – 6:30pm: Dinner
6:30pm – 7:00pm: Free time/shower
7:00pm – 7:50pm: 1st study session
7:50pm – 8:00pm: Break
8:00pm – 9:00pm: 2nd study session
9:00pm – 9:30pm: Free time
9:30pm – 10:30pm: Bedtime and quiet time according to age and grade

“I have been living in boarding since I joined RAS. I have to say that it’s my home in Malaysia. I’m so grateful for the boarding principles that helped me develop a healthy lifestyle, which is a crucial factor for achieving a high GPA. These principles gave me a more self-disciplined attitude and finally helped me to receive an acceptance letter from my dream university, NYU. The boarding staff has also played an essential role in my high school life. Their meticulous care and love made me who I am today. They were there for me when I lost the basketball game, and they celebrated with me when I finished the triathlon. They are so supportive that I feel like I’m capable of doing anything; this improved my confidence and also taught me how to respect others.”

Hannah, Senior 2020/2021