A learning community that empowers students to achieve their academic and life potential

Spring, Mother of Eileen


傍晚好!我是7年级B班 Eileen Hu 的妈妈。今天我写这封信是想表扬她班的任课老师-Mr. Jeffrey Machado。我的女儿回来向我讲述她的感受:这是一位非常负责任的老师,语音标准清晰,很有逻辑性思考。该严格时一定严格要求,同时又不缺少幽默风趣,他是一位知识渊博的老师,掌握多方面的知识,可以帮助孩子们解决很多问题,孩子们很崇拜他,我的女儿来这个学校的时间并不长,也感谢他给予我女儿的鼓励,让我女儿受益良多。他现在培养孩子们有目的性的阅读英文书籍,他也制定了一些教学方法,学习较快的学生们,他们可以在取得老师批改作业后先行往前学习,而学习没有那么快的学生,他们可以跟随老师的教学进度,对于学习偏弱一些的学生,老师会给孩子们一些补课,以确保他们能跟上大部队!很感恩孩子遇上这么好的老师!


感谢MR Lyle,每天早晨风雨不改的站在校门口迎接每一位学生和家长的到来。非常感谢!

Dear Mr. Lyle,

Good evening! I am Grade 7B Eileen Hu’s mother. Today I am writing to praise her teacher— Mr. Jeffrey Machado. My daughter came back to tell her feelings: This teacher is a very responsible teacher with clear pronunciation standards and logical thinking. Must be strict with the strict, not a lack of sense of humor again at the same time, he is a knowledgeable teacher, master a lot of knowledge, can solve the problem of many children, the children worship him very much, my daughter came to this school is not very long, also thank him encourage my daughter, let my daughter get fruitful. At the same time, I also want to thank all the teachers in the middle school department of our school, also want to thank the teaching philosophy of this school, which enables students to have such a relaxed learning environment and give her more time for independent thinking and creative work.

Thank you, Mr. Lyle, for standing at the school gate every morning, rain or shine, to greet every student and parent. Thank you very very much!


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