A learning community that empowers students to achieve their academic and life potential

Service Learning

What is the Meaning of “Service Learning”?

The emphasis is on SERVICEwhich means serving or helping other people, or collaborating with other people, to strengthen the bonds of community.

Here the emphasis is on LEARNING, which is a “thing learned by experience”. This kind of experiential learning means acquiring an understanding of something that becomes part of your understanding of the world  and the way you view the world. This valuable form of learning, which contributes to your development as an adult human being, can only be achieved through a commitment of both time and effort, as well as heart  and mind.  Hence, RAS students are expected, as much as possible, to complete their required 10 hours performing a single type of volunteer work.

Other than contributing to your personal development as an adult human being, through practicing the values of commitment, responsibility, and charity, TOP COLLEGES look favorably upon applicants who make valuable contributions to society. TOP COLLEGES see themselves as training grounds for future world leaders and thinkers.

You can demonstrate that you are a future world leader and thinker by showing:

  1. That you care about the world enough to commit your time and effort, as well as heart and mind, to making the world a better place.
  2. That you can express your thoughts about what you have learned from that experience.

While all students should  choose and commit themselves to a Service Learning activity, these activities, insofar as possible, should be student-organized and student-led. This means each Service Learning activity will need a few students to take leadership in organizing the activity.  I will make introductions to the different local charitable groups that need RAS volunteers, and I (or another RAS faculty or staff member) can accompany the students on their first visit to volunteer at the local group, but subsequent visits, insofar as possible, should be organized by students.  Of course, I (or other RAS faculty or staff) will lend support as needed.

Insofar as possible, RAS will arrange round-trip transportation to off-campus locations where students perform Service Learning activities.  In some cases, however, students might need to organize their own shared rides by Grab taxi or car-pooling. (One exception is Southern Volunteers, which provides its own means of transportation for all volunteers).